5 Ways to Make the Most of Your Coverage

5 Ways to Make the Most of Your Coverage

Now that you have health coverage, here is what you can do to put your health first and live a long and healthy life.

1. Confirm your coverage
2. Know where to go for answers
3. Find a provider
4. Make an appointment
5. Fill your prescriptions

1. Confirm your coverage:

  • Be sure your enrollment is complete.
  • Contact your healthplan and/or state Medicaid office.
  • Pay your premium if you have one, so you can use your health coverage when you need it.

2. Know where to go for answers:

  •  Contact your health plan to see what services are covered, and what your costs will be.
  •  Read the Roadmap to Better Care and a Healthier You to learn about key health insurance
    terms, like coinsurance, and deductible.

3. Find a provider:

  • Select a health care provider in your network who will work with you to get your recommended
    health screenings.
  • Remember you might pay more if you see a provider who is out-of-network.

4. Make an appointment:

  •  Confirm your provider accepts your coverage.
  •  Talk to your provider about preventive services.
  •  Ask questions about your concerns and what you can do to stay healthy.

5. Fill your prescriptions:

  •  Fill any prescriptions you need.
  • Some drugs cost more than others. Ask in advance how much your prescription costs and if
    there is a more affordable option.