CMS to Launch Artificial Intelligence Health Outcomes Challenge

CMS is teasing a new cross-industry challenge to identify innovative strategies for using artificial intelligence to improve health outcomes.

The CMS Innovation Center is gearing up to launch a new industry challenge aimed at identifying new strategies for leveraging artificial intelligence and machine learning to improve outcomes.

The proposed challenge will explore how artificial intelligence can inform decision-making, improve care delivery models, and predict health outcomes for individuals, CMS says.

“Leaders of the technology revolution—including tech companies, academic institutions, scientists, clinicians, and patients—are leveraging cutting-edge technology to redefine healthcare delivery. We want to join them in this work,” says a brief announcement from the agency.

“The goal is to help the healthcare system deliver the right care, at the right time, in the right place, and by the right people. It’s not enough to build on the technology that currently exists. We need to ask bold questions, like how artificial intelligence can transform and disrupt how we think about healthcare delivery.”

While details about the scope and design of the initiative are not yet available, CMS is planning to use its leadership position in the healthcare industry to foster new ideas about how to develop AI-driven strategies for predicting, preventing, and measuring the burdens of disease.

“With innovation central to its mission, CMS wants to be at the forefront of these efforts. We’re interested in exploring how to harness AI to predict health outcomes that are important to patients and clinicians, and to enhance care delivery,” the agency stated.

“We are brainstorming how we can incorporate AI in the implementation of both our current and new payment and service delivery models.”

In a nod to the blurring boundaries between healthcare and the broader technology sector, challenge will be open to traditional healthcare stakeholders as well as representatives from other industries, the announcement added.

“We encourage broad participation from all sectors—not just healthcare,” CMS said. “The winning submission for the Challenge could come from anyone!”

The CMS Innovation Center plans to launch the challenge at some point in 2019, and will notify interested parties of more details through a dedicated mailing list.

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