Review What’s New for ICD-10-CM 2022



Stay on top of the latest in diagnosis coding by reviewing this chapter-by-chapter summary of the changes effective October 1.

Highly anticipated, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released the ICD-10-CM code descriptions, tables and index, and addendum for fiscal year 2022. Although still pending are the 2022 Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting, which were not included in the package of new codes. This update brings 159 additions, 25 deletions, and 27 revisions. ICD-10-CM 2022 goes into effect Oct. 1, 2021.

Below are highlights from the 43-page ICD-10-CM Tabular List of Diseases and Injuries 2022 Addenda. We’ll focus mostly on codes, so be sure to check for note and instruction updates in the official code set as you dig deeper into the changes that affect you.

CHAPTER 1  Certain Infectious and Parasitic Diseases (A00-B99)

2022 ICD-10-CM code set adds one code to this chapter: A79.82 Anaplasmosis [A. phagocytophilum]. The rest of the updates to Chapter 1 are primarily updates to exclude notes. For example, for code A80 Acute poliomyelitis, the following note is added: Excludes1: acute flaccid myelitis (G04.82).

CHAPTER 2  Neoplasms (C00-D49)

Chapter 2 now includes three new codes. Added are two codes to capture bilateral ovarian malignancies, allowing classification as malignant or secondary malignant neoplasm. Another addition to the code set is C84.7A Anaplastic large cell lymphoma, ALK-negative, breast.

CHAPTER 3  Diseases of the Blood and Blood-Forming Organs and Certain Disorders Involving the Immune Mechanism (D50-D89)

The 2022 code set brings five new codes to this chapter. First, the novel codes under D55.2 Anemia due to disorders of glycolytic enzymes allow more specific options such as D55.21 Anemia due to pyruvate kinase deficiency and D55.29 Anemia due to other disorders of glycolytic enzymes.

Other changes include the addition of codes D75.838 Other thrombocytosis (including secondary and reactive) and D75.839 Thrombocytosis, unspecified under new subcategory D75.83- Thrombocytosis. Also added is code D89.44 Hereditary alpha tryptasemia.

CHAPTER 4  Endocrine, Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases (E00-E89)

The primary update to this chapter is the addition of one code under E75.24- Niemann-Pick disease: E75.244 Niemann-Pick disease type A/B.

CHAPTER 5  Mental, Behavioral and Neurodevelopmental Disorders (F01-F99)

Changes in Chapter 5 include one new code for depression F32.A Depression, unspecified under revised category F32 Depressive episode.

The 2022 code set also adds to this chapter F78.A1 SYNGAP1-related intellectual disability and F78.A9 Other genetic related intellectual disability under new subcategory F78.A- Other genetic related intellectual disabilities.

CHAPTER 6  Diseases of the Nervous System (G00-G99)

The updates to Chapter 6 relate primarily to the 10 new codes in these areas:

G04.82 Acute flaccid myelitis

G44.86 Cervicogenic headache

Added under the new subcategory G92.0 Immune effector cell-associated neurotoxicity syndrome are six codes to classify immune effector cell-associated neurotoxicity syndrome by grade.

Two codes to distinguish other and unspecified toxic encephalopathy: G92.8 Other toxic encephalopathy; G92.9 Unspecified toxic encephalopathy.

CHAPTER 9  Diseases of the Circulatory System (I00-I99)

The addenda do not show any changes for Chapter 7: Diseases of the Eye and Adnexa or Chapter 8: Diseases of the Ear and Mastoid Process (H60-H95). The 2022 code set does add one code to Chapter 9: I5A Non-ischemic myocardial injury (non-traumatic).

The remainder of the updates to this chapter involve additions and modifications to Excludes1/2 and Code first notes. For example, under code I5A is a note instructing you to code first the underlying cause, if known and applicable.

CHAPTER 11  Diseases of the Digestive System (K00-K95)

The addenda do not show any new codes for Chapter 10: Diseases of the respiratory system. But three new codes are added to Chapter 11 to classify esophageal diseases:

K22.1 Esophageal polyp

K22.82   Esophagogastric junction polyp

K22.89   Other specified disease of esophagus (hemorrhage of the esophagus NOS)

Another notable change in this chapter is new subcategory K31.A- Gastric intestinal metaplasia and ten codes to capture gastric intestinal metaplasia. To determine the correct code among the new codes, you need to check for documentation of the location involved and the presence of dysplasia.

CHAPTER 12  Diseases of the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue (L00-L99)

The update brings eight new codes to Chapter 12. There are two new subcategories for irritant contact dermatitis:

Under L24.A- Irritant contact dermatitis due to friction or contact with body fluids, the 2022 code set adds four new codes to identify the type of fluid.


Under L24.B- Irritant contact dermatitis related to stoma or fistula, the addition of four new codes enables specification of the type of stoma or fistula. For example, digestive, respiratory, fecal/urinary.

CHAPTER 13  Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue (M00-M99)

The numerous changes in Chapter 13 relate primarily to new codes in these areas:

Three codes under subcategory M31.1- to allow reporting hematopoietic stem cell transplant-associated thrombotic microangiopathy. The code set adds a Use Additional note after code M31.11, instructing you to also code for the specific organ dysfunction.

Several codes under revised subcategory M35.0 Sjögren syndrome are also revised, and seven codes are added for identification of associated diseases or conditions.

New subcategory M45.A Non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis and ten codes for non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis, which allow for classification based on the affected region of the spine.

Expansion of M54.5 Low back pain, with the addition of three codes: M54.50 Low back pain, unspecified, M54.51 Vertebrogenic low back pain, and M54.59 Other low back pain.

CHAPTER 16  Certain Conditions Originating in the Perinatal Period (P00-P96)

The addenda do not show any changes for Chapter 14: Diseases of the genitourinary system or Chapter 15: Pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium, but Chapter 16 has nine new codes: one code for newborn affected by maternal group B Streptococcus colonization and eight codes to capture specific abnormal findings on neonatal screening.

CHAPTER 17  Congenital Malformations, Deformations and Chromosomal Abnormalities (Q00-Q99)

Two minor revisions are the only changes noted in the addenda for Chapter 17 and include revising “Nephronopthisis” to “Nephronophthisis” under code Q61.5 Medullary cystic kidney.

CHAPTER 18  Symptoms, Signs and Abnormal Clinical and Laboratory Findings, Not Elsewhere Classified (R00-R99)

The 2022 code set adds 14 codes to Chapter 18. Many coders have probably memorized R05 Cough, but R05 is not a reportable code in the 2022 code set. Instead, use one of the six new codes, which provide added specificity to cough.

Updates to this chapter also include the addition of two codes to differentiate between nocturnal polyuria and polyuria not otherwise specified (NOS). Other additions include R45.88 Nonsuicidal self-harm and R79.83 Abnormal findings of blood amino-acid level.

Another noteworthy change is the addition of the following four codes:

R63.30   Feeding difficulties, unspecified

R63.31   Pediatric feeding disorder, acute

R63.32   Pediatric feeding disorder, chronic

R63.39   Other feeding difficulties (feeding problem (elderly) (infant) NOS, picky eater)

CHAPTER 19  Injury, Poisoning, and Certain Other Consequences of External Causes (S00-T88)

You’ll find the longest list of changes in this chapter of ICD-10-CM 2022. The first big change is the addition of six codes to differentiate traumatic brain compression with or without herniation under new subcategory S06.A- Traumatic brain compression and herniation.

The next major change in this chapter involves reporting for cannabis. Added under new subcategories T40.71 Cannabis (derivatives) and T40.72 Synthetic cannabinoids are 36 new codes to classify poisoning, adverse effect, and underdosing of cannabis and synthetic cannabinoids. These codes replace deleted subcategory T40.7X- Cannabis (derivatives) and all of the codes classified under it.

The final update for this chapter adds three codes — specifying initial, subsequent, sequela — for complication of immune effector cellular therapy. Keep in mind that each code in T80.82- requires a 7th character (A, D, or S), so the five-character addition in the addenda translates to three new seven-character codes.

CHAPTER 20  External Causes of Morbidity (V00-Y99)

Chapter 20 includes three new codes for legal interventions involving other specified means to include an unspecified injured person. The codes in Y35.899- also require a 7th character (A, D, or S), so the six-character addition in the addenda translates to three new seven-character codes.

CHAPTER 21  Factors Influencing Health Status and Contact With Health Services (Z00-Z99)

The 2022 code set introduced 19 new codes in Chapter 21 that relate primarily to updates focusing on these areas:

Several updates relating to social determinants of health:

Additions: Z55.5 Less than High School Diploma; Z58.6 Inadequate drinking-water supply

Expansions: Z59.0- Homelessness to allow specification of sheltered or unsheltered. Z59.4 Lack of food to include Z59.41 Food insecurity and Z59.48 Other specified lack of adequate food. Z59.8- Other Problems Related to Housing and Economic Circumstances providing three new codes under Z59.81 Housing instability, housed and Z59.89 Other problems related to housing and economic circumstances to account for foreclosure on loan, isolated dwelling, and problems with creditors.

Addition of Z71.85 Encounter for immunization safety counseling and Z91.014 Allergy to mammalian meats.

Two codes to differentiate between history of suicidal behavior and non-suicidal self-harm are added under Z91.5 Personal history of self-harm.

Under Z92.8 Personal history of other medical treatment, the 2022 code set adds four codes. Three under new subcategory Z92.85 Personal history of cellular therapy, including chimeric antigen receptor T-Cell Therapy (CAR-T), and Z92.86 Personal history of gene therapy.

CHAPTER 22  Codes for Special Purposes (U00-U85)

Updates to this chapter include one new code: U09.9 Post COVID-19 condition, unspecified. Also added is a Code first note. It instructs you to list the code for the specific condition related to COVID-19, if known, first. For example, J96.1- Chronic respiratory failure, R43.8 Loss of smell, R43.8 Loss of taste, or M35.81 Multisystem inflammatory syndrome.

Get More Information on 2022 ICD-10-CM

Remember, this is just an overview of the 2022 ICD-10-CM code updates. The 2022 code descriptions in tabular order, addendum, and code tables and index are available for download on the CMS website. Stay tuned to the AAPC Knowledge Center, your go-to source for the latest industry news.

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