Know what to look for when auditing telehealth services rendered during the COVID-19 pandemic. In October of 2019, I presented a telehealth webinar entitled “Foolproof Tips for Billing Telehealth Services.” I talked quite a bit about the telehealth guidelines that were current at the time and made note that “by next year, telehealth is expected […]
Provider reimbursement is now available to physicians who tell their patients to self-isolate at the time of COVID-19 testing, according to CMS. An announcement released late last week in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said CMS will leverage existing evaluation and management (E/M) payment codes to reimburse eligible providers for the coronavirus […]
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) implemented 12 new ICD-10-PCS codes to allow Medicare and other insurers to identify the use of the therapeutics Remdesivir and Convalescent plasma for treating hospital inpatients with coronavirus (COVID-19). The new codes, effective Aug. 1, are: ICD-10-PCS Code XW013F5 – Introduction of Other New Technology Therapeutic Substance […]
Many of us have been immersed in COVID-19 and telehealth billing, coding, and the varying rules among payors of late, all the while the clock has remained ticking on the looming changes to evaluation and management (E&M) services, effective Jan. 1, 2021. It is possible, too, that there are those who have not heard […]
Financial losses from the COVID-19 pandemic will have lasting effects on providers but leveraging some of the capabilities developed during crisis can build a more resilient healthcare revenue cycle. Patients have been asked to avoid healthcare facilities when possible, while more visits have been done via smartphones and laptops than in exam rooms. Meanwhile, some […]
There’s a slew of new health behavior assessment codes for 2020 and, good news, they’re on Medicare’s list of services you can provide via telehealth during the public health emergency (PHE) for COVID-19. Check out this rundown of the new codes and who should be using them. Assessment Codes Include Individual, Group The health […]
Healthcare is the industry most at-risk during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Providers are on the front lines of response efforts. At the same time, the financial implications of the pandemic are also creating significant revenue cycle challenges, putting providers even more at risk during the pandemic. Individuals are postponing non-emergency care for many reasons, from […]
“In our journey towards virtual healthcare & telehealth in Western NSW, there was a really purposeful transition toward it, looking at some of the problem areas across our region as pain points we had to address,” said Dr Shannon Nott. On Day 1 of the HIMSS APAC Malaysia Digital Health Summit, Dr Shannon Nott, Director […]
Among other provisions, the bill extends the 5% advanced APM bonus for an additional six years and modifies thresholds to achieve the bonus. Thirteen national provider groups support the newly-introduced House bill, the Value in Health Care Act of 2020, a bipartisan effort that proposes to make changes to the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) […]
Telehealth is hot right now among physicians and patients, but what’s its long term outlook? What impact will telehealth have on patient outcomes and physician reimbursement? Telehealth is hot right now among physicians and patients, but what’s its long term outlook? What impact will telehealth have on patient outcomes and physician reimbursement? To learn more […]