The final 2024 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule includes a provision that allows health systems to bill Medicare for telehealth services provided by doctors from their homes. This extension of a crucial Medicare reimbursement for health systems using telehealth services lasts until the end of 2024, and it also grants physicians working from home added privacy […]
According to a recent report, 25 states now provide reimbursement for video, store-and-forward, and audio-only telehealth, as well as remote patient monitoring through Medicaid. Although every state and Washington, D.C. include some form of live video-based telehealth in their Medicaid programs, only 25 of them also offer Medicaid reimbursement for live video, store-and-forward telehealth, remote […]
Tools and support to boost the success of your practice Regardless of whether you’re a newcomer to private practice or a seasoned professional, you’re aware that the healthcare landscape is ever-changing. What was effective for your practice in the past, be it last year or last month, may not hold true today. Staying updated on […]
Interoperability standards and AI wield significant influence over the revenue cycle, holding the potential to transform the financial landscape of healthcare establishments. In the constantly evolving realm of healthcare, the infusion of artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a game-changing force, promising to revolutionize patient care, diagnoses, and treatments. However, to fully harness the power […]
The adoption of workflow automation in the healthcare sector is on the rise for valid reasons. By alleviating healthcare providers from the burden of documentation and repetitive tasks, it allows them to focus on critical responsibilities that demand expertise and strategic thinking. Recent studies indicate that a significant portion of healthcare professionals spend between 26-41% […]
According to research, telehealth visits, both in primary and specialty care, tend to be coded more frequently with lower level-of-service billing codes. Despite the option to receive higher facility rates for telehealth services for another year, providers often bill these virtual visits using lower level-of-service codes. This pattern holds true for both primary and specialty […]
In the ever-changing realm of healthcare coding, it is imperative for professionals to stay updated on the latest developments within the International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM). This dynamic coding system plays a pivotal role in recording diagnoses, conditions, and other vital health-related information. With the advent of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies […]
The principal of a healthtech venture capital firm asserts that the most promising AI innovation from an investment standpoint involves rendering business models feasible. Investment focus has now shifted towards AI for a healthtech and medtech venture capital firm, which administers a capital pool exceeding $800 million earmarked for healthcare and technology startups. The healthtech […]
Implementing HIPAA Compliance Demands Multiple Measures from IT, with Added Complexity Due to Mobile Devices. Adhere to These Crucial Steps for Ensuring Mobile HIPAA Compliance Adhering to HIPAA necessitates a vigilant approach from IT administrators, and the presence of mobile devices can amplify this challenge further. HIPAA stands as an encompassing federal statute that defines […]
Telehealth has gained widespread acceptance among numerous medical practices and hospitals owing to its convenience, accessibility, and effectiveness in curbing the spread of infectious diseases. However, it’s important to recognize that telehealth is not exclusive to large institutions; small practices can also reap its benefits. Telehealth, also known as telemedicine, revolves around utilizing technology to […]