Category: Healthcare News


Time is Running Out for Congress to Help Primary Care

Time is running out for Congress to take action on pending legislation dealing with issues that would help primary care across the United States. Six physician groups representing 590,000 doctors across the country sent a joint letter again urging congressional leaders to vote – soon – for bills relating to Medicare reimbursements, prior authorizations, children’s […]

Get To The Bottom Line In Healthcare

To understand this dynamic, you need to know who the customer is. One of the key questions arising from looking at financial statements is this: how do we “get to the bottom line” in healthcare? In our society and culture, we have a fascination with the term “net income,” but it may have little meaning […]

5 Mid-Year Medicaid Expansion Updates

Of the 12 states that have not expanded their Medicaid programs, four have taken legal, legislative, and/or budgetary actions this year with varying results. The Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) has updated its state Medicaid expansion tracker, highlighting 2022 activity through July. The following summarizes activity in both expansion and non-expansion states. In January 2022, Georgia […]

How telehealth can help inpatient care, and what a hybrid future looks like

Healthcare provider organizations and clinicians are fortunate that telehealth has gone mainstream as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Telehealth opens up many new avenues to expand access to care, streamline the delivery of care, create new workflows and improve patient outcomes. Hopefully the Congress and state legislatures will act soon to ensure the temporary […]

Has the Medicare Telehealth list changed Since 2022?

As Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) continues to evaluate the inclusion of telehealth services that were temporarily added to the Medicare telehealth services list during the COVID-19 public health emergency, they have finalized that certain services added to the Medicare telehealth services list will remain on the list through December 31, 2023. This […]