Every year we take direction from the most recent CPT® code book, but it’s important to recognize that it doesn’t have the final say on how to document and code evaluation and management (E/M) visits. For the latest guidance, you need the 2021 CPT® Errata and Technical Corrections. Following the implementation of the updated E/M […]
The new code is expected to be here in October. EDITOR’S NOTE: The following is the broadcast script from Dr. Erica Remer’s segment during Talk Ten Tuesdays, March 16, 2021. One of the highlights of my year, and most definitely in this past year, is participating in the ICD-10-CM Coordination and Maintenance Committee Meeting. It was […]
Below is a listing of questions and answers regarding some of the nuances of billing Evaluation and Management office visits based on time. The new 2021 E/M coding guidelines for office visits (99202-99205, 99212-99215) allow physicians and qualified health professionals (QHP) to choose whether their documentation and code-selection level for E/M services provided is based […]
An ICD-10 Coordination and Maintenance Committee virtual meeting is scheduled for March 9–10, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Health Statistics (CDC NCHS) have posted tentative agendas on their websites. Stakeholders will present on a […]
For several, it is hard to envision the future of Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) era. How does this technology accelerate the business cycle and affect healthcare back-office day-to-day work? It is unknown when AI will be the industry norm at this stage, but there is some speculation about potential advantages […]
We have received a number of questions from those seeking advice on choosing a coding level when using the new 2021 evaluation and management (E/M) guidelines. The most common questions concern the meaning and interpretation of ideas within the 3 medical decision–making (MDM) categories: the complexity of presenting problem, data, and risk. We are dedicating […]
To select a level of an E/M service, two of the three elements of MDM must be met or exceeded. Q: How do you select an E/M code for an outpatient visit based on documentation of medical decision-making (MDM)? A: Per the 2021 E/M guidelines, effective January 1, providers must select the level of outpatient E/M […]
The NCTAP was finalized as part of CMS’ fourth COVID-19 interim final rule. CMS on January 27 updated coding and billing instructions to hospitals for new COVID-19 treatments add-on payment (NCTAP). The NCTAP was finalized as part of CMS’ fourth COVID-19 interim final rule with comment period (IFC-4) and is effective November 2, 2020 through the end of the public health […]
The application of this code will not result in additional payment for a billed E/M visit service. In its February MLN Connects newsletter, CMS reminds providers that HCPCS add-on code G2211 (visit complexity inherent to E/M associated with medical care services that serve as the continuing focal point for all needed healthcare services and/or with medical care […]
Emergency medicine groups face several changes this year, including a new federal ban on surprise medical billing, updates to the Medicare reimbursement formula, changes to the CMS MIPS program, and new billable services. Below is a summary of these changes provided by the experts at Brault Practice Solutions. Federal Ban on Surprise Medical Billing […]