Category: Medical Coding

COVID-19 Testing Codes

New COVID-19 Testing Codes

During an emergency meeting in response to the COVID-19 crisis, the American Medical Association (AMA) convened the CPT  Editorial Panel to approve a new pair of Category 1 CPT codes. These two new codes are effective immediately, according to the AMA. “The new codes are intended for use as the industry standard for accurate reporting and […]
New CPT Resources for COVID-19

New CPT Resources Help Doctors Adapt to Shifting COVID-19 Demands

  The COVID-19 pandemic has forced rapid changes on the way physician practices operate. To help doctors navigate the shifting landscape, the AMA has released guidance on issues related to the pandemic, including new Medicare policies, answers to patient concerns and, most recently, advice on coding for COVID-19 testing, treatment and telemedicine services. Resources include […]
COVID-19 Specimen Collection Codes

COVID-19 Specimen Collection Codes

Clinical diagnostic laboratories can identify specimen collection for COVID-19 testing using two new HCPCS Level II codes, effective March 1, 2020. Check Patient Location Before Coding Medicare posted these new COVID-19  specimen collection codes in a March 31, 2020, special edition MLN Connects and in a last-minute revision to the April 2020 HCPCS Level II […]
COVID-19 Coding Scenarios

COVID-19 Coding: AMA Provides Guidance On 11 Scenarios

The American Medical Association has published a COVID-19 coding scenario guide that includes a number of coding scenarios for physicians treating COVID-19 patients. The COVID-19 scenarios presented include: Patient comes to office for E/M visit, is tested for COVID-19 during the visit. Patient comes to office for E/M visit re: COVID-19 and is directed to […]
COVID-19 Code

COVID 19 Has New Code in April

  Coordination and Maintenance committee meeting announces COVID 19 code effective April 1, 2020. The Coordination and Maintenance Committee Meeting announced that the COVID-19 code that was originally scheduled to become effective October 1, 2020 will now be effective April 1, 2020. The code that will be effective is U07.1.  The effective date was changed […]
COVID-19 is Upending the Revenue Cycle, COVID-19 Pandemic, Social Distancing, Remote Coders, Healthcare Revenue Cycle, Virtual Care, Low-acuity visits, Novel Coronavirus

3 Ways COVID-19 Is Upending the Revenue Cycle

The pandemic crisis is disrupting the revenue cycle, including the revenue ramifications of cancelling elective procedures. The global COVID-19 pandemic has sent the entire world into turmoil, including negatively affecting the U.S. economy, causing a ripple effect down to healthcare organization revenue cycles. Many elements of this crisis are already changing the revenue cycle, from […]