Category: Medical Coding

E/M Coding Guidelines

4 Strategies For Accurate Medical Coding & Denial Prevention

4 Strategies For Accurate Medical Coding and Denial Prevention Payers typically deny evaluation and management codes (E/M code) on the back end of the billing process, which can cause costly reimbursement recoupments, according to Medical Economics. Four tips to avoid denials caused by inaccurate E/M levels: Make sure the E/M code supports the specific patient encounter. […]
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ICD-11 Is Looming – 8 Steps To Prepare

The newest version of the International Classification of Diseases, ICD-11, is set to take effect in January 2022, according to Software Advice, a business solutions company. Software Advice created a timeline to help providers prepare for the transition: December 2019: Become familiar with the new International Classification of Diseases chapters and codes. January 2020: Communicate with revenue […]
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Physician Fee Schedule

CMS Proposes Changes to Physician Fee Schedule, Quality Payment Program

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is proposing changes to the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) and the Quality Payment Program as part of its effort to reduce provider burden. “Clinicians are drowning in paperwork and reporting requirements caused by cumbersome government rules and regulations,” said CMS Administrator Seema Verma in a press […]
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Medical Coding Roght

Boost Revenue By Getting Coding Right

It’s every physician’s worst nightmare: Receive payment for services rendered, but then a payer identifies an aberrant pattern in claims data, audits the records, decides it has overpaid the practice, and recoups those funds. That money you already allocated for overhead, staff salaries, bonuses, or new medical equipment? Gone. With one post-payment audit, you now […]
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Surgical Procedure

Procedural Codes: Global Surgery & Related Services

Multiple Surgeries Multiple surgeries are separate procedures performed by a physician on the same patient at the same operative session or on the same day. Multiple surgeries are distinguished from procedures that are components of or incidental to a primary procedure. Intraoperative services, incidental surgeries or components of surgeries will not be separately reimbursed. Reimbursement […]
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Critical Care Coding

Understanding The Key Elements of Critical Care Coding

For some coders, confusion exists when Critical Care Coding for critical care services. Code 99291 is used for critical care, evaluation, and management of a critically ill or critically injured patient, specifically for the first 30-74 minutes of treatment. It is to be reported only once per day, per physician or group member of the same specialty. […]
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Is It Possible to Make OB Coding Less Complicated?

Just like our patients, proper OB coding and billing for obstetric patients can be…complicated. As a coding instructor and compliance auditor, I field a lot of questions from new students and experienced billers alike. In this article, I’ll break down a few of the most important concepts you need to understand to master obstetric coding. […]
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modifier 59

Differentiate Separate Procedures with Modifiers 59 and X[ESPU]

When you have distinct, separate procedures, know which modifiers procedures will get the claim paid in full. Modifier 59 Distinct procedural service acts as a “universal unbundling” modifier for procedures that are normally included as part of another procedure, or “bundled.” The modifier tells the payer that there are special circumstances that warrant separate reporting (and payment) […]
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