Category: Revenue Cycle Management

RPA in Healthcare RCM

Robotic Process Automation: The Future of Healthcare Revenue Cycle Management

As RPA’s value for revenue cycle continues to be explored, leaders need to go beyond the hype and determine a practical path to innovation that takes into account the organization’s capacity for innovation and the road map that will best take the organization to its desired digital destination. A recent survey shows 15% of healthcare revenue cycle […]
Revenue Cycle Elements

3 Elements Needed For The Revenue Cycle of The Future

The COVID-19 pandemic has proven that fast, meaningful change is both possible and necessary for healthcare revenue cycles to keep up with a changing world. But to make truly meaningful change within the revenue cycle, the industry will need to embrace even more changes, such as payer partnerships, greater automation, and standardization across payers. Payer-provider […]
Patient Counseling

CMS Announces New Payment Allocation for COVID-19 Patient Counseling

  CMS will leverage existing evaluation and management (E&M) payment codes to reimburse eligible providers for the coronavirus counseling services.  The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will make payment available to physicians and providers for counseling patients at the time of COVID-19 testing about the importance of self-isolation after they are tested and prior to […]
Telehealth Challenges

Industry Voices – 3 Challenges Exposed In The New World Of Telehealth

The rapid rise of telemedicine in response to the COVID-19 outbreak has been critical for getting at-risk patients the care they need. In fact, many state governments are working to expand telehealth within their Medicaid programs, while also easing restrictions to allow for faster implementation. And there is evidence that this trend will not be reversed anytime soon. […]
Healthcare Revenue Cycle Recovery

Healthcare Revenue Cycle Recovery After the COVID-19 Pandemic

Financial losses from the COVID-19 pandemic will have lasting effects on providers but leveraging some of the capabilities developed during crisis can build a more resilient healthcare revenue cycle. Patients have been asked to avoid healthcare facilities when possible, while more visits have been done via smartphones and laptops than in exam rooms. Meanwhile, some […]
Optimizing Self-Pay Collection Strategies

Optimizing Self-Pay Collection to Aid Patients, Revenue During COVID-19

Healthcare is the industry most at-risk during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Providers are on the front lines of response efforts. At the same time, the financial implications of the pandemic are also creating significant revenue cycle challenges, putting providers even more at risk during the pandemic. Individuals are postponing non-emergency care for many reasons, from […]
MACRA Payment Model

Providers Support Value in Health Care Act that Amends MACRA Payment Model

Among other provisions, the bill extends the 5% advanced APM bonus for an additional six years and modifies thresholds to achieve the bonus. Thirteen national provider groups support the newly-introduced House bill, the Value in Health Care Act of 2020, a bipartisan effort that proposes to make changes to the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) […]
Telehealth in Payment and Patient care

Telehealth’s Future: What’s Coming for Payment and Patient Care?

Telehealth is hot right now among physicians and patients, but what’s its long term outlook? What impact will telehealth have on patient outcomes and physician reimbursement? Telehealth is hot right now among physicians and patients, but what’s its long term outlook? What impact will telehealth have on patient outcomes and physician reimbursement? To learn more […]
Value based Reimbursement

Value-Based Incentives Didn’t Reduce Hospital-Acquired Infections

  Value-based incentive programs in Medicare did not improve hospital-acquired infection rates and may have disproportionately penalized safety-net hospitals, a recent study shows. Two of Medicare’s value-based incentive programs did not improve the levels or trends of certain hospital-acquired infections, potentially widening the gap between safety-net and non-safety-net hospitals, according to a recent study out of Boston […]