CPT 2020 and CPT 2021: Catch a Glimpse

CPT update

A summary of the CPT® Editorial Panel’s actions during its February 2019 meeting offers us a glimpse of changes to come for the CPT 2020 and 2021.

Perhaps the biggest news are approved revisions to office and outpatient E/M codes 99201-99215, scheduled for 2021 implementation, covered here.

Other Approved Changes For 2021 Include:
  • Significant revision to breast reconstruction codes and their introductory guidelines. Codes slated for revision include 11970, 11971, 19318, 19325, 19328, 19330, 19340, 19342, 19357, 19361, 19364, 19367, 19368, 19370, 19371, and 19380. Codes 19324 Mammaplasty, augmentation; without prosthetic implantand 19366Breast reconstruction with other technique are slated for deletion.
  • Deletion of 32405 Biopsy, lung or mediastinum, percutaneous needle
  • Addition of a new (not yet named) code to report core needle biopsy of the lung or mediastinum, and revision of introductory guidelines for this section of codes
  • Three new codes (not yet named) to report vestibular evoked myogenic potential (VEMP) testing
  • Four new codes (not yet named) to report auditory evoked potentials, as well as deletion of 92585 Auditory evoked potentials for evoked response audiometry and/or testing of the central nervous system; comprehensiveand 92586 …limited.
  • A new code (not yet named) to report exercise test for bronchospasm, along with revision of 94617 Exercise test for bronchospasm, including pre- and post-spirometry, electrocardiographic recording(s), and pulse oximetry.
The Editorial Panel Also Approved Changes For CPT 2020, To Include:
  • A new code to report a quadrivalent inactivated-adjuvanted influenza virus vaccine
  • Deletion of cardiac device evaluation code 93299 Interrogation device evaluation(s), (remote) up to 30 days; implantable cardiovascular physiologic monitor system or subcutaneous cardiac rhythm monitor system, remote data acquisition(s), receipt of transmissions and technician review, technical support and distribution of results
  • A new category III code to report an assay of cancer stem cell
  • Addition of two category III codes to report autologous cellular implant
  • Addition of a category III code to report evacuation of meibomian glands
  • Addition of two category III codes to report transcervical bilateral permanent fallopian tube occlusion and the separate introduction of saline for confirmation of occlusion via sonosalpingingraphy
  • Deletion of codes 21296 Reduction of masseter muscle and bone (eg, for treatment of benign masseteric hypertrophy); intraoral approachand 43401 Transection of esophagus with repair, for esophageal varicesdue to low utilization

For More Information: https://www.aapc.com/blog/46228-cpt-2020-and-cpt-2021-catch-a-glimpse/