New Procedure Codes Coming This Fall


Look for them at a hospital near you.

The ICD-10-PCS update for fiscal year 2023 is now available. To prevent coding errors that result in claim denials, inpatient coders should download the code files and familiarize themselves with the changes to inpatient coding that go into effect Oct. 1.

The fiscal year (FY) 2023 ICD-10-PCS update includes 331 new codes, and 64 codes are deleted.

ICD-10-PCS Code Changes

Among the hundreds of new procedure codes are several for the destruction of various anatomical regions using laser interstitial thermal therapy (LITT). LITT is a minimally invasive surgical technique used to destroy unhealthy brain tissue, such as tumors, and for treating drug-resistant epilepsy, according to Duke Health. The new codes, such as 00500Z3, replace existing, less specific codes for reporting LITT, such as D0Y0KZZ.

A host of new technology codes are also added to the ICD-10-PCS code set for FY 2023. Among them are new procedure codes for reporting the ISS500, used to increase cerebral blood flow and reduce disability in adult patients with acute ischemic stroke, according to presenter Thomas Devlin, MD, CHI Memorial Stroke and Neuroscience Center. Facilities currently report implantation of a sphenopalatine ganglion stimulator for ischemic stroke using 01HY3MZ. Beginning Oct. 1, you will instead use X0HK3Q8 or X0HQ3R8.

There are many other new procedures codes being added to the New Technology section, such as a code for computer-assisted transcranial magnetic stimulation of the prefrontal cortex (X0Z0X18), and almost as many being deleted (fusion codes, in particular). There are also many added codes for therapeutic agents.

You’ll also find among all the updated ICD-10-PCS code set several new prostatic artery occlusion codes, a handful of new codes for transferring the large/small intestine to a bladder/ureter, and a host of vein introduction codes.

ICD-10-PCS Guidelines Update

There are just a few changes to the guidelines for procedure coding. Be sure to review new guideline B3.19 for detachment procedures of extremities and revised general guidelines at B4.1c (Body Part) and B6.1a (Device).

For More Information: 85199 new procedure codes coming this fall