Tag: AI in Healthcare


Five Healthcare Trends To Note In 2023

The leaders’ guide on what’s shaping the industry. Now is the time for decisive action and visionary leadership as the healthcare industry moves past the urgency of the pandemic—which forever changed care delivery and the workforce—to opportunities that will create a more patient-centric and sustainable healthcare system. That takes a watchful eye from leaders on […]
2021 Healthcare IT Predictions

Health IT Predictions for 2021: What Awaits Post-Pandemic

One year ago, it’s doubtful that anyone could have accurately predicted the changes that would occur in healthcare in 2020. While facing the world’s greatest health crisis in living memory, we’ve seen amazing shifts in adapted care delivery and a surge in “telemedicine,” as well as implementation, regulation, coding, and payment adjustments established at great […]
AI in COVID-19

Coronavirus Accelerates AI in Health Care

  From predicting outbreaks to devising treatments, doctors are turning to AI in an effort to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. Why it matters: While machine learning algorithms were already becoming a part of health care, COVID-19 is likely to accelerate their adoption. But lack of data and testing time could hinder their effectiveness — for this […]
AI Can Help Health Plans

How AI Can Help Health Plans Become Member-Centric

Improving the customer experience is no longer an idea that’s relegated to the retail or hospitality industries. Now, the idea has gained traction across many industries, including healthcare. For health plans, improving the customer experience and providing member-centric care helps drive member acquisition and retention and improve reimbursement (via a better STARS rating). With so […]
Artificial Intelligence in EHR

How Can Artificial Intelligence (AI) Improve Clinician EHR Use?

The implementation of artificial intelligence into healthcare is becoming more widespread by the day. EHRs may have worked to improve data use among medical providers, but these tools are still far from perfect. Digital medical records have introduced a host of problems, including disrupting clinician workflows, limited interoperability, and creating data overload. But with the […]
AI in Healthcare

How Artificial Intelligence is Changing Healthcare

Among the many examples of Artificial Intelligence, AI in healthcare is clearly one of the leaders. AI is already reshaping medicine in many ways, and its influence will only increase in the years ahead. To shed light on this major shift, I spoke with Dr. Krishnan Nandabalan, founder and CEO of InveniAI, an AI healthcare company based in Connecticut. We […]