Tag: Allzone Management Services


The 3 Policies Controlling Physician Reimbursements

Three big CMS moves have affected physician reimbursements in the last 10 years, according to VMG Health’s 2023 mergers and acquisitions report released on March 21: Here are the three CMS policies: In April 2015, the Senate passed the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act, which permanently removed the sustainable growth rate formula under the […]

The State of Claims and Denials in 2023

How do you resolve a repeated and shooting up problem like claims denials? It’s been a fresher subject for revenue cycle management professionals for years that are only experiencing hotter with the growing pressures of staffing shortages, troubles with staff movement and instructing and developing policies and protocols at the government and payer levels. On […]

Code 0174A For Patients Ages 6 Months To 4 Years

On March 14, 2023, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration amended the emergency use authorization (EUA) of the bivalent Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine to allow providers to administer a booster to certain young patients. As a result, on March 17, the American Medical Association (AMA) released a new CPT® code for booster administration. Here’s what you […]

How to Evaluate and Improve Telehealth in Private Practice?

With the 2022 omnibus bill, Congress ensured that telehealth payment and regulatory flexibilities will continue for at least another two years. That makes it worthwhile for physician private practices to more closely consider how to best incorporate telemedicine into their everyday workflows and ensure that patients get the best virtual care experience possible. The AMA […]

New Medical Billing Codes You Should Know About

Physicians need to keep their billing and coding right to ensure seamless reimbursements from payers. Similarly, they should stay updated with the latest coding changes to keep their revenue cycle intact. In addition, running a successful medical practice is a daunting task as the providers need to stay updated with the industry guidelines. The year […]

Top Advantages of Automated Medical Claim Processing

With the arise of indirect health practices such as telehealth, it is becoming increasingly indispensable to play with bill payments and claims orderly. The medical billing cycle is a complex system encompassing procedures such as medical recordkeeping and patient data processing. Medical claim processing is the keystone for healthcare insurance companies since it needs data […]
New-CPT-Codes-for-2023 | Case Studies | AllZone Management Services Inc.

Deleted, Revised, and New CPT Codes for 2023

Table of Contents Deleted CPT Codes for 2023 Revised CPT Codes for 2023 New CPT Codes for 2023 Benefits of Allzone’s Medical Coding Company! Adjustments to evaluation and management codes will require a period of adaptation. Within the CPT 2023 update, medical coders will encounter 101 fresh codes interspersed within the existing code set. However, […]

The Risks and Benefits of AI in Healthcare

The hype around Artificial Intelligence (AI) spiked again recently with the public release of ChatGPT. The easy-to-use interface of this natural language chat model makes this AI particularly accessible to the public, allowing people to experience first-hand the potential of AI. This experience has spurred users’ imagination and generated feelings ranging from great excitement to […]

CMS Corrects Time Thresholds for Prolonged Services

What a difference 15 minutes can make when billing E/M services. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a notice March 14 correcting several errors in the 2023 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) final rule. Most notably, CMS is correcting technical errors in the calculations of the time thresholds for reporting evaluation and […]