Tag: Allzone Management Services


Administrative Challenges for Medical Practices in 2023

The number of prior authorization requests continues to increase — despite promises to the contrary by payers — costing physicians time and money. A Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) poll found that 70% of medical groups indicated that prior authorizations increased in the last year. Physicians say that their practices continue to struggle with either […]

Top Challenges for Care Management Coding in 2023

Providing care management services, including chronic care management (CCM) and principal care management (PCM), is not easy. The first overarching challenge is that not enough patients actually participate in care management with a primary care physician. In fact, A recent report from the Primary Care Collaborative and the American Academy of Family Physicians’ more Americans […]

AMA Releases More 2023 CPT® Errata

E/M, Gastro, and Lab Coders, take note. The American Medical Association (AMA) announced some last-minute corrections to the CPT® code set effective Jan. 1, 2023. Add these to your code book, along with the previously released corrections, to ensure you start the year off right with accurate codes and guidelines. Evaluation and Management (E/M) In […]

CMS Aims To Streamline Prior Authorization To Reform MA

The American Hospital Association (AHA) and Better Medicare Alliance (BMA) both support the agency’s effort to improve Medicare Advantage (MA). In an attempt to reform MA, CMS released a proposed rule that aims to streamline prior authorization, promote health equity, and curb deceptive marketing. The Biden administration has shown a commitment to increasing oversight of […]

Guide to Coding and Documentation Best Practices

The difference between a financially and clinically successful practice and one that is struggling often comes down to whether they have the code right and document thoroughly. Changes in 2021 to major coding categories, such as evaluation and management (E/M) coding for office visits means major change that can hamper your operations if not done […]