Tag: Alternate Payment Model

MACRA Readiness for Healthcare Organizations

MACRA Readiness for Healthcare Organizations

Without even putting too much effort into listening to or reading the news, you understand that healthcare costs have steadily risen over the last couple decades, and yet we don’t really have any significant and correlating rise in outcomes to show for it.  CMS or the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has also noticed […]
MIPS Payment Adjustments with a Targeted Review

Ensure Proper MIPS Payment Adjustments with a Targeted Review

Right out of the gate, Medicare Incentive-based Payment System (MIPS) adjustments were incorrectly applied to non physician services and supplies. This error is being corrected by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), but what if no one caught it? MIPS eligible clinicians and clinician groups could have improperly lost or gained considerable revenue. […]