Tag: Billing Claims

Top 4 Compliance Policies and Procedures for All Healthcare Entities

Top 4 Compliance Policies and Procedures You Need to Know

Your healthcare entity is at risk if these elements aren’t part of its compliance plan. As healthcare workers, it’s our responsibility to know and understand that the Office of Inspector General (OIG) expects all healthcare entities to follow and abide by its self-proclaimed seven elements of an effective compliance program. The first element, implementing written […]

Hospitals Saw Substantial Underbilling for Medicare Telestroke Services

One-third of hospitals across the country offered telestroke services, but less than 40 percent submitted Medicare telestroke claims in the year before the COVID-19 pandemic. Following the Furthering Access to Stroke Telemedicine (FAST) Act, Medicare claims for telestroke services increased in rural and urban emergency departments. However, there was still substantial underbilling from hospitals with […]