Tag: billing errors

Reducing Claim Denials

Mastering Healthcare Claim Denial Management: Strategies & Solutions

In healthcare, claim denials pose a significant challenge to a provider’s revenue cycle. Each year, over $4.5 trillion in claims are submitted to insurance carriers in the U.S. alone. Despite this volume, healthcare providers continue to see an alarming rise in denied claims. In 2022, 42% of respondents reported an increase in denials, but by […]
claim denial management

Claim Denial Management: A Comprehensive Guide

Claim denials are a common challenge for healthcare organizations, often leading to significant revenue loss. While it’s impossible to eliminate denials entirely, proactive Claim denial management can significantly reduce their impact. Industry standards for claim denials are lacking, making it difficult to track and analyze denial trends. Each payer has its own unique policies and […]
Prevent Coding and Billing Errors

Preventing coding and billing errors can reduce claims denials

Accurate medical coding and billing are essential components of a healthcare practice’s financial health. When codes for procedures and diagnoses are recorded correctly, providers can receive timely reimbursements for the services they deliver. However, Prevent coding and billing errors can lead to claim denials, delays in payments, and increased administrative burden This blog post will […]
insurance coverage denials

How to Fight Surprise Medical Bills and Coverage Denials: A Proven Strategy

Have you recently received a surprising medical bill or had your insurance coverage denials for a recommended treatment? Unfortunately, you’re not alone. A recent national survey by the Commonwealth Fund, a leading healthcare research organization, found that a significant number of insured Americans face these challenges. While many may choose not to contest these issues, […]

Tips to Avoid Billing Errors in Radiology Practices

Have you ever received a medical bill that left you perplexed, questioning how the expenses added up and left you scratching your head? If that’s the case, you’re certainly not alone. Billing for radiology can be intricate and confusing, involving numerous codes and procedures. Unfortunately, errors in medical billing are all too frequent, resulting in […]
Prevent Medicare Claim Denials

Prevent Medicare Claim Denials in 2020

Medicare has been issuing beneficiaries new member cards with Medicare Beneficiary Identifiers (MBI) in place of Social Security Numbers (SSNs) for more than two years. 2019 was a phase-in period when Medicare would accept either a beneficiary’s Social Security Number or their new MBI on claims. Starting Jan. 1, 2020, CMS will reject any Medicare claim Denials […]
3 Key Strategies to Increase Healthcare Revenue Cycle Efficiency

3 Key Strategies to Increase Healthcare Revenue Cycle Efficiency

As providers engage in complex payment models and collect more from patients, they must learn to automate key functions to improve healthcare revenue efficiency. The healthcare revenue cycle has many moving parts. From patient access and registration to medical billing and coding, provider organizations of all sizes must achieve revenue cycle efficiency to ensure providers […]
MIPS Payment Adjustments with a Targeted Review

Ensure Proper MIPS Payment Adjustments with a Targeted Review

Right out of the gate, Medicare Incentive-based Payment System (MIPS) adjustments were incorrectly applied to non physician services and supplies. This error is being corrected by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), but what if no one caught it? MIPS eligible clinicians and clinician groups could have improperly lost or gained considerable revenue. […]
How To Lower Your Medical Bills

How To Lower Your Medical Bills, No Matter The Cost

In the midst of a medical recovery, the last thing you want to deal with is an unexpectedly high medical bill. As Americans continue to pay an estimated $3.4 trillion yearly in health care costs, it’s likely that at some point we’ll all encounter a big bill from a trip to the doctor’s office or an unscheduled […]