Tag: Bundled Payment

Pain Management and The Global Period

Pain Management and The Global Period

Pain management during the global period of a procedure, if related to that procedure, is not separately reportable. If a provider other than the operating provider performs follow-up care, you must be careful to avoid “unbundling” of that follow-up care. The global period, or global surgical package, bundles all care typically related to surgical service into a […]
Top 13 Reasons For Claim Denials

Top 13 Reasons For Claim Denials

Denied claims are one of physicians’ chief complaints when it comes to dealing with payers. To a certain extent, every practice deals with claim denials. It’s those practices that eliminate the most common reasons that experience a smoother revenue cycle and find greater financial success. Here are the 13 most common reasons for why claims […]
Diagnostic Accuracy

ICD-10, Diagnostic Errors & Payment Reforms to Improve Diagnostic Accuracy

In October 2015, physicians across the United States transitioned from the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, Ninth Revision to the tenth revision (ICD-10-CM, the US version of the World Health Organization [WHO] ICD-10). Although the ICD-10-CM was a new concept for physicians in the United States, the international variant has been available since […]