Tag: Claim Resubmission

Healthcare Claim Denials

Reduce Healthcare Claim Denials and Improve Revenue: Proven Strategies

Healthcare Claim Denials can be a frustrating and costly setback. However, with the right strategies, you can significantly reduce denials and improve your revenue. This article outlines four effective approaches to handling denied claims and ensures timely resubmissions. 1. Establish a Routine for Denial Handling Create a standardized procedure: Develop a clear and efficient process […]

8 Successful Tactics for Reducing Denied Claims 2024

Roughly 65% of rejected claims aren’t reprocessed for resubmission (Zindl, 2021). As one of the healthcare industry’s numerous challenges, the upward trend of denied claims persists, with many left unaddressed. This has repercussions for both providers and patients alike. When denied claims remain unsubmitted, providers face substantial losses. Beyond revenue, these rejections strain staffing resources. […]
5 Common Remark Codes For The CO16 Denial

5 Common Remark Codes For The CO16 Denial

co16 denial code description: The CO16 denial code is used in medical billing to indicate that a claim has been denied because it lacks necessary information or contains errors. It falls under the category of “Contractual Obligation” (CO) denials, which means the responsibility falls on the provider to fix the issue and resubmit the claim. […]