Tag: Common coding mistakes

2020 Coding Guide

2020 Coding Guide: Get Paid What You’re Owed

  There’s nothing more frustrating than rendering a service and not being paid. Sometimes the problem comes down to a single code. Nuanced coding rules are difficult to understand, and physicians aren’t taught this information in medical school. Still, health care is a business. As business owners, physicians need to know how they’re paid, including […]
Dermatology Coding Procedures

Explore Dermatology Coding Procedures Complexities

Part 1: Consider skin lesion removal type and depth, intent, and lesion location to avoid common dermatology coding procedures mistakes. Accurately dermatology coding procedures can seem like a daunting task. Code selection can be confusing because skin procedure codes require you to consider several factors such as the type of removal, lesion size and location, […]