Tag: COVID-19 coding

ICD-10-CMPCS Systems

AHA Coding Clinic on ICD-10-CM/PCS for First Quarter of 2021 Released

Current issue includes most frequently asked questions about coding COVID-19. The American Hospital Association (AHA) central office is the official United States clearinghouse on medical coding for the proper use of the ICD-10-CM/PCS systems and Level I HCPCS (CPT-4 codes) for hospital providers – and certain Level II HCPCS codes for hospitals, physicians, and other health professionals. The […]
ICD-10 Codes Future

Get a Peek at Future ICD-10 Codes

  An ICD-10 Coordination and Maintenance Committee virtual meeting is scheduled for March 9–10, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Health Statistics (CDC NCHS) have posted tentative agendas on their websites. Stakeholders will present on a […]
2021 ICD-10 Coding Guidelines

ICD-10 Coding Guideline Changes

For 2021, there are 490 new, 47 revised and 58 deleted ICD-10-CM codes. We will cover the ICD-10-CM guidelines in this article and the ICD-10-CM code changes next month. There are several important changes to the guidelines, including those relating to COVID-19 coding. The updates for these were a little late this year due to […]
ICD-10 Coding Tips for Influenza

ICD-10 Coding Tips for Influenza

There has been much discussion about COVID-19 this year, but as autumn approaches, thoughts turn towards influenza season. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Policies (ACIP) recently published guidelines for flu vaccination. Their advice is that routine annual vaccination is recommended for everyone 6 months of age and older. The United States vaccines will include updates […]
ICD-10-CM Codes Spark Great Interest

ICD-10-CM Codes Spark Great Interest

Over the past few months, the folks at ICD10monitor have seen an increase in website searches regarding two specific ICD-10-CM codes: U07.1 (COVID-19) and F32.9 (Major depressive disorder, unspecified). Some say that this is a sign of the times, and that may be absolutely true, considering what has gone on in the past four months […]
COVID-19 Reimbursement

Safeguarding COVID-19 Reimbursement

Waivers, modifiers, lab tests, multiple diagnosis codes…the layers and specifics of COVID-19 coding cannot be overlooked when ensuring appropriate reimbursement and safeguarding claims against third-party payer audits. As hospitals and healthcare organizations begin to assess the required steps necessary to prepare for the transition back to a pre-COVID-19 operating environment, apart from timelines and state […]
COVID-19 Coding_ Guidance On 11 Scenarios

COVID-19 Coding: AMA Provides Guidance On 11 Scenarios

The American Medical Association has published a COVID-19 coding scenario guide that includes a number of coding scenarios for physicians treating COVID-19 patients. The COVID-19 scenarios presented include: Patient comes to office for E/M visit, is tested for COVID-19 during the visit. Patient comes to office for E/M visit re: COVID-19 and is directed to […]