Tag: COVID-19 pandemic

Rehab in Covid-19 Recovery

The Critical Role of Rehab In Covid-19 Recovery

  Further, the study underscored that inpatient rehab plays a unique and positive role in treating patients recovering from COVID-19. Discover key strategies hospitals can use to improve outcomes through rehabilitation for patients recovering from COVID-19. Importance of Rehab for Patients Recovering from COVID-19 At least 700,000 Americans recovering from COVID-19 will require inpatient rehabilitative […]
Automated EHR Data

The Benefits of Automated EHR Data Extraction

  Physicians have faced a number of key technical challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic, including the inability to send and receive patient data, as well as issues related to electronic health record (EHR) interface and failure to effectively extract EHR data. Interoperability and patient data exchange are critical for physicians, hospitals, health systems and payers alike to minimize the […]
Billing Cycle

Take a Consumer-Oriented Approach to Your Billing Cycle

The Covid-19 pandemic is transforming how physicians practice medicine and bill for it. Physicians who take a consumer-oriented approach to their billing cycle may adapt the best, says John Behn III, MPA, president of Stroudwater Revenue Cycle Solutions and a principal of Stroudwater Associates, a national healthcare consulting firm based in Portland, Maine. “We’ve seen […]
Patient Collection Tips

Nine Tips for Collecting Patient Balances

Practices have been creative during COVID-19 to ensure safe patient access: Telephone visits. Curbside immunizations. Drive-up virus testing. Even checking patients in for their in-office visits while they wait in the car. However, each of these scenarios poses one significant challenge: Collecting copayments and coinsurance. “With COVID-19, you’ve got to find ways to meaningfully engage […]
Telehealth Reimbursement

Telehealth Reimbursement Just for Value-Based Providers Post-COVID?

Telehealth reimbursement expansions granted during the PHE may be limited to providers in Advanced APMs moving forward to prevent program integrity issues, MedPAC said at a recent meeting. The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) is the latest group to weigh telehealth reimbursement expansions after the COVID-19 pandemic. In a meeting held virtually last week, MedPAC analysts Ariel […]