Tag: CPT Codes

2021 Physician Reimbursement Updates

Physician Fee Schedule Updates May Increase Reimbursement, Time with Patients

Some updates to the evaluation/management codes on the 2021 Physician Fee Schedule will provide greater reimbursement to physicians and allow them to spend more time with patients, CMS and medical societies said. According to CMS, the code sets that it is finalizing will increase the value of certain services. These include: cognitive impairment assessment and care […]
New ICD-10-PCS Codes for COVID-19

CMS Releases New ICD-10-PCS Codes for COVID-19

New procedure codes do not impact the MS-DRG assignment. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released 21 new ICD-10-PCS codes that apply to the vaccination or treatment of COVID-19. These codes are effective January 1, 2021. The procedure codes introduce six specific medications that can be used for treatment of COVID-19. The drugs […]
Telehealth Coding Set

CMS Adds 11 Codes to Telehealth List

Physicians can now offer more services via telehealth and get paid. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is adding 11 codes to the list of telehealth services payable under the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS). Coverage is retroactive to March 1, 2020, and is effective for the duration of the public health emergency (PHE) for […]
CPT codes for dual flu-COVID-19 tests

AMA Has New CPT Codes for Dual Flu-COVID-19 Tests

The American Medical Association updated its Current Procedural Terminology set to include updates to coding for tests that detect influenza and COVID-19. The two new codes, per the AMA’s CPT editorial panel, are: 87636: “Infectious agent detection by nucleic acid (DNA or RNA); severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) (Coronavirus disease [COVID-19]) and influenza virus types A […]
New CPT Codes for COVID-19

AMA Approves 2 New CPT Codes for COVID-19

One of the codes, CPT Code 99072, is for reporting additional supplies used to mitigate spread of the virus. The American Medical Association (AMA) announced, Sept. 8, two new Category I CPT® codes to meet the changing needs of the healthcare industry brought about by the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE). The codes were approved […]
EM Coding Guidelines

2021 E/M Guideline and Leveling Changes

Providers need a mechanism to be accurately reimbursed for the time and effort that they expend in providing care. Evaluation and Management (E/M) leveling has been the standard method in which to provide appropriate, defensible payments for services. However, it has been successfully argued that the 1995 and 1997 E/M guidelines in place today are […]
E&M revised Codes

What to Expect with the 2021 E&M Revisions

  A work group put together by the American Medical Association (AMA) that also represents the AMA’s Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) Editorial Panel and the AMA/Specialty Society RVS Update Committee (RUC) has put together revisions to office and outpatient evaluation management (E&M). These will take effect on January 1, 2021. So how will this affect dermatologists? Well, […]
Billing and Documentation Guide

Billing and Documentation Guide for Patient Care During COVID-19 Pandemic

  The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about robust changes to the traditional practice of healthcare in the United States. In a time of social distancing and widespread quarantining, regulatory bodies, including the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), have adapted to the current environment. The most critical goal was to allow healthcare providers to […]
CPT Codes for Cardiovascular Services

Proposed Rule Introduces New CPT Codes For Cardiac Shunting, EKGS, And Lung Biopsies

Coders should also take note of the new HCPCS Level II codes CMS is considering. CMS released the calendar year (CY) 2021 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) on August 3, introducing 39 new CPT codes, mainly for cardiovascular services. If finalized, the new codes will go into effect January 1, 2021. The proposed update includes five new codes for […]
CPT Code for Coronavirus Testing

AMA Announces New CPT Codes for Coronavirus Testing

The American Medical Association (AMA) has recently expanded its Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) code set to include four additional codes for coronavirus testing. These new codes facilitate providers in reporting a wider range of laboratory tests for the novel coronavirus on medical claims. The newly introduced CPT codes are as follows: •86408: SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibody […]