Preventive Services Vs Office Visits: It is important to note that Medicare does not cover preventive services in the same manner as commercial payers. Therefore, it is important to know the patient’s policy and insurance coverage. Table A shows a breakdown of the coverage parameters. Understanding the distinction between Preventive Services Vs Office Visits is […]
In the intricate realm of healthcare, where patient well-being is paramount, the financial dimension often receives less attention. Yet, it’s imperative to recognize that healthcare encompasses not only patient treatment but also ensuring fair compensation for healthcare providers. Precise medical coding is a cornerstone of this endeavor. This piece delves into the profound importance of […]
Newly introduced as of July 1, 2023, are updated CPT® codes detailed in MLN Matters 13210, issued on June 13. Accompanying this, a supplementary document, Change Request 13210, offers more comprehensive insights. Included in the fresh set of codes are those related to COVID vaccination and its administration. Specifically, 0174A pertains to administering the Pfizer-BioNTech […]
Ensuring precise claims processing and prompt reimbursements, healthcare practitioners rely heavily on efficient medical billing and coding procedures. The act of streamlining these functions holds the potential to not only heighten overall effectiveness but also to curtail administrative burdens and mitigate the risk of errors. Within this article, we will delve into a selection of […]
The guidelines for interpreting EKGs could vary according to the specific treatment situation. Patients presenting at the emergency department (ED) to undergo an electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG) can present a coding challenge. The main issue revolves around how to accurately report the physician’s services for the patient. Is it appropriate to utilize the EKG CPT® […]
To determine the appropriate use of modifier 25, review this case study in otolaryngology. The Cigna Group has delayed the requirement for submitting documentation with claims that involve a 25 modified offices or other outpatient evaluation and management (E/M) service (CPT® 99212-99215) and a minor procedure. Despite the payer not enforcing this requirement, physician practices […]
The 1995 and 1997 Documentation Guidelines and the 2023 CPT® E/M Services Guidelines are not drastically different when compared side by side. Some hospitals and coding and billing entities may believe that the new 2023 CPT® evaluation and management (E/M) services guidelines and code changes simplify the coding, billing, and auditing processes. However, it is […]
Find out what you must do to get significant, separately identifiable E/M services paid. The Cigna Group recently updated its reimbursement policy for modifier 25. Effective May 25, if you are billing this health insurance company for an evaluation and management (E/M) service and a minor procedure, you may need to do more than append […]
To enhance the financial experience of patients, it is crucial to closely examine an organization’s billing procedure. HealthLeaders is joining the celebration of Patient Experience Week from April 23-29 by highlighting the efforts of revenue cycle leaders in establishing a favorable financial experience for patients in their organizations. With a suboptimal financial experience capable of […]
You won’t find these codes in your 2023 code books, but they are effective April 1. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has released coding changes and policy updates for the Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS). The updates include the addition of many new HCPCS Level II codes, the deletion of a few […]