Tag: Denied Claims

claim denials with chiropractic

Preventing Denied E&M Claims with Chiropractic Manipulative Therapy (CMT)

The observed an increasing number of denied Evaluation and Management (E&M) claims (99201-99215) when billed concurrently with chiropractic manipulation procedures, including chiropractic manipulative therapy (CMT), highlighting the potential for increased claim denials with Chiropractic Manipulative Therapy (CMT). Denial Reasons & Misconceptions: Common denial reasons include: “Service billed is included in another procedure billed the same […]
Healthcare Claim Denials

Reduce Healthcare Claim Denials and Improve Revenue: Proven Strategies

Healthcare Claim Denials can be a frustrating and costly setback. However, with the right strategies, you can significantly reduce denials and improve your revenue. This article outlines four effective approaches to handling denied claims and ensures timely resubmissions. 1. Establish a Routine for Denial Handling Create a standardized procedure: Develop a clear and efficient process […]
CPT Modifier

Six Tips to Getting Paid for CPT Modifiers

In medical coding, CPT modifier are vital for accurate reimbursement of healthcare services. These special codes, attached to primary procedure codes, provide additional details about the complexity or extent of a service. However, using modifiers incorrectly can lead to claim denials and lost revenue. This blog post shares six key tips to help you get […]
healthcare denied claims impact and appeals

Unlocking the Secrets of Denied Claims: Insights, Solutions, and Strategies

The Prime Minister’s recent voluntary national survey shed light on the Denied claims. The survey, conducted between October and December 2023, found that nearly 15% of all Medicare Advantage, Medicaid, Commercial and Managed Medicaid claims were denied. Between 45% and 60% of rejected cases were overturned, although the expensive appeals process sometimes meant multiple appeals. […]
Denial Management in RCM

Navigating Denial Management Challenges in Revenue Cycle Management

Denial management in rcm: In the intricate realm of healthcare revenue cycle management (RCM), the substantial challenge revolves around handling denied claims. Scarcity of resources, understaffing, and restricted capacity frequently lead to difficulties in resolving denied claims, where an alarming 82% to 90% are considered potentially preventable. RCM teams can optimize time and revenue recovery […]
Resolve MedicalBilling Issue

10 Common Medical Billing Issues and How To Fix Them

Medical billing can be a complicated landscape with costly and alarming risks. From minor transcription errors to major coding misunderstandings, inaccuracies in this field may lead to lost income or legal complications for your healthcare organization. While some medical billing problems stem from simple oversights, others result from systemic challenges. However, all of these issues […]
How to Prevent and Manage Claim Denials

How to Prevent and Manage Claim Denials

For many healthcare providers, claim denials are a frustrating cost of doing business. Each year, around 5-10% of medical billing claims are rejected (possibly more). With each claim costing around $25 to rework, providers lose billions in eroded revenue and productivity. Any revenue leakage is bad enough, but the shift towards value-based care means tighter revenue cycle management […]
Top 13 Reasons For Claim Denials

Top 13 Reasons For Claim Denials

Denied claims are one of physicians’ chief complaints when it comes to dealing with payers. To a certain extent, every practice deals with claim denials. It’s those practices that eliminate the most common reasons that experience a smoother revenue cycle and find greater financial success. Here are the 13 most common reasons for why claims […]