Tag: Diagnosis Coding


Using Modifier – 25 on an E/M Visit

In recent years, there has been an increase in scrutiny regarding the use of modifier -25 to identify separate evaluation and management (E/M) services on the same day as another procedure. Insurers are now demanding documentation of such services both before and after payment, leading to a significant administrative burden for urology practices. The reason […]
Medical COding Updates

6 Must-Know Coding Updates In 2020

  Becker’s ASC Review compiled a timeline of significant medical coding updates that have been proposed or implemented so far this year: January CMS began paying for certain angioplasty and stenting procedures in ASCs on Jan. 1, under its 2020 Medicare Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System and ASC Payment System Final Rule. Here are the Current Procedural Terminology […]
Diagnosis Coding for COVID-19

Diagnosis Coding for COVID-19: Better to be Lucky Than Good

  Stakeholders need to work collaboratively to ensure that diagnostic information is complete and accurate. The COVID-19 pandemic has created many overwhelming and heartbreaking medical challenges. In theory, the easiest task is accurate diagnosis coding for suspected exposure, confirmed and presumed cases, and possible disease. The new ICD-10-CM codes are few and clearly defined.  However, […]
New ICD-10-CM Code Rationales

New ICD-10-CM Code Rationales

Rationales for ICD-10-CM updates are key to improved medical coding, data reporting, and physician reimbursement. Many of the ICD-10-CM updates for 2020, presented at the ICD-10 Coordination and Maintenance Committee meeting on Sept. 11-12, 2018, provide insight into the purpose of subsequent code changes, which can help you to use the updated code set more […]
Hundreds of New ICD-10-CM Codes

Hundreds of New ICD-10-CM Codes Effective Oct. 1

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released on June 20 the new ICD-10-CM codes descriptions, tables and index, and addendum for fiscal year 2020. There are 273 additions, 21 deletions, and 30 revisions, effective Oct. 1, 2019, which will increase the code set from 71,932 to 72,184 diagnoses. Chapter Review The majority of changes to new […]