Tag: Diagnostic Coding

FESS coding

FESS Coding: CPT, ICD-10 & Billing Guidelines

Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS) is a minimally invasive procedure performed endoscopically on the nasal and sinus cavities. It is primarily used to relieve symptoms of chronic sinusitis, such as congestion, drainage, post-nasal drip, headaches, and facial pain. FESS coding can be complex due to the multiple CPT codes associated with the procedure. Reviewing sinus […]
pediatric eye care coding

Accurate ICD-10-CM Codes for Pediatric Eye Care

Accurate ICD-10-CM coding for Pediatric Eye Care becomes straightforward when you know what to look for. With Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month as a timely reminder, it’s an excellent opportunity for pediatric providers to review common eye-related diagnoses seen during vision exams. Here, we’ll guide you through three commonly encountered scenarios in pediatric eye […]

Selecting the Principal Diagnosis Lies at the Heart of Inpatient Coding

The heart of the principal diagnosis selection is pivotal to accuracy and compliance. Since February is known as “National Heart Month,” a discussion on the heart of inpatient coding is appropriate, that being the “principal diagnosis.” When learning inpatient coding, a large amount of time is spent on understanding the guidelines, conventions, and application of […]
ICD-10-CM Codes Spark Great Interest

ICD-10-CM Codes Spark Great Interest

Over the past few months, the folks at ICD10monitor have seen an increase in website searches regarding two specific ICD-10-CM codes: U07.1 (COVID-19) and F32.9 (Major depressive disorder, unspecified). Some say that this is a sign of the times, and that may be absolutely true, considering what has gone on in the past four months […]
electronic health record

Is Your EHR Ready For PDGM?

When the Patient-Driven Groupings Model (PDGM) launches Jan. 1, 2020, leveraging tools and resources to ensure compliance will be critical to a successful transition. Home health care providers already have one helpful tool in place: the electronic health record (EHR). By incorporating workflow efficiencies, alerts, customizable features and feedback reporting capabilities, EHRs can provide visibility […]
Psychiatric Facilities

Psychiatric Facilities Could See Payments of $75 Million In 2020

CMS has released the inpatient psychiatric facility proposed rule. Approximately $75million is projected to be paid to inpatient psychiatric facilities (IPF), according to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) proposed 2020 inpatient prospective payment system (IPPS) released on April 19. IPF-PPS applies to inpatient services for psychiatric hospitals and distinct psychiatric units of […]
The Facts Surrounding The Coding Chronic Kidney Disease

The Facts Surrounding The Coding Chronic Kidney Disease

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a serious health condition affecting millions of people worldwide. In the United States alone, 15% of adults, or approximately 37 million people, suffer from CKD. This condition, often insidious in its onset, can lead to severe complications and significantly impact quality of life. Key Facts about CKD: Prevalence: More common […]
New ICD10 Codes will help Physicians Tackle Social Barriers to Care

New ICD-10 Codes will help Physicians Tackle Social Barriers to Care

A new collaboration between the AMA and UnitedHealthcare will work to address the social and environmental factors that affect patients’ health by standardizing data collection on their social determinants of health (SDOH) to help address individuals’ unique needs that often go unmet. The two organizations are supporting the creation of 23 new ICD-10 codes related […]
Codes Subject To Or Excluded From CLIA Edits

2019 Codes Subject To Or Excluded From CLIA Edits

The CPT® codes that are considered a laboratory test under the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) change each year, as well as throughout the year, making it difficult for healthcare providers and laboratories to keep up. Here are the CPT codes for 2019 that are subject to or excluded from CLIA edits in easy-to-look up […]