Tag: Documentation

“Defensive” Undercoding Is Indefensible

“Defensive” Undercoding Is Indefensible

Undercoding, or reporting a lesser service than was performed and documented, is sometimes employed as a defensive strategy to stave off claims denials or audits. But, undercoding can make a provider an outlier, and may create consequential patient care, compliance, and financial liabilities. For example: Undercoding Leaves Money On The Table, Driving Down Provider Reimbursement […]
MIPS Payment Adjustments with a Targeted Review

Ensure Proper MIPS Payment Adjustments with a Targeted Review

Right out of the gate, Medicare Incentive-based Payment System (MIPS) adjustments were incorrectly applied to non physician services and supplies. This error is being corrected by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), but what if no one caught it? MIPS eligible clinicians and clinician groups could have improperly lost or gained considerable revenue. […]