Tag: E/M Code Updates


2021 E/M Changes: Are You Coding Unique Tests Properly?

Review the AMA’s updated definition of what constitutes a unique test. Many coders are asking the question, “What is a unique test?” As always, we must first turn to the guidelines to see how “test” is defined. In the original published guidelines, the American Medical Association (AMA) stated: “Tests are imaging, laboratory, psychometric, or physiologic […]
2021 Emergency Medicine Reimbursement Changes

Understanding 2021 Changes in Emergency Medicine Reimbursement

  Emergency medicine groups face several changes this year, including a new federal ban on surprise medical billing, updates to the Medicare reimbursement formula, changes to the CMS MIPS program, and new billable services. Below is a summary of these changes provided by the experts at Brault Practice Solutions. Federal Ban on Surprise Medical Billing […]