Tag: Electronic Health Records

Future of Telehealth

Telehealth is the Future- and the Future has Arrived

For several years, we’ve seen Medicare and the American Medical Association’s Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) manual slowly approach the age of telehealth. Despite a lot of discussion and many headlines during each of the past few years, the codes and coverage embracing the modern age of medicine have lagged far behind the technology. This isn’t […]
AI and EHR Perfect Together

AI and EHR: Perfect Together?

Big data and electronic health records — along with other technologies — could change the way long-term care is delivered. We’re living in an age of unprecedented technology. Back in the 1960s, when most of the residents at your long-term care facility were establishing their careers and rearing children, the first computers began appearing in […]
electronic health record

Is Your EHR Ready For PDGM?

When the Patient-Driven Groupings Model (PDGM) launches Jan. 1, 2020, leveraging tools and resources to ensure compliance will be critical to a successful transition. Home health care providers already have one helpful tool in place: the electronic health record (EHR). By incorporating workflow efficiencies, alerts, customizable features and feedback reporting capabilities, EHRs can provide visibility […]
Tips to Secure Your Organization Against Ransomware

Latest Tips to Secure Your Organization Against Ransomware

Data security is now one of the top aspects of healthcare technology. It can make or break patient satisfaction and institutional reputation. Healthcare providers have a professional obligation not only to care for their patients’ health but also to protect their patients’ data. Cyber crime is on the rise against the sector because healthcare providers […]
Trends That Will Dominate Healthcare

Trends That Will Dominate Healthcare in 2019

Technology perimeters every dimension of healthcare. It offers extraordinary benefits to patients and medical practitioners. The wise use of technology in healthcare can promise patient satisfaction and cost savings, which contributes to the future of any healthcare organization. Below are the latest technological innovations that have a huge impact on the medical process and enhancing […]