Tag: Emergency Departments


Latest Changes in the CPT® Emergency Department Subsection

Attendees at AAPC’s AUDITCON, Nov. 3-4, 2022, came loaded with questions about the coding and guideline changes for evaluation and management (E/M) services in CPT® 2023. The conference offered several sessions on the subject, including the ED session, “Changes in 2023: Emergency Department,” presented by AAPC Chief Product Officer. The officer provided a high-level overview […]
3 Revenue Cycle Management Strategies for EDs

3 Revenue Cycle Management Strategies for EDs in a Time of Crisis

Financial indicators, staffing, and leadership are three key factors emergency departments should prioritize for effective revenue cycle management during the COVID-19 crisis. At the start of the year, emergency departments (EDs) across the country began to prepare for an expected surge of patients infected with COVID-19, altering revenue cycle management and operational strategies. By March, […]
4 Ways to Stop Losing Patients Over Medical Bills

4 Ways to Stop Losing Patients Over Medical Bills

Every business not only wants to attract new customers but to keep its existing ones, and hospitals and health systems are no different. Unfortunately, surprise medical bills can be the element that drives patients away from one hospital and into the waiting arms of the competition. New research published this month in Health Affairs provides hospitals with […]