Tag: HCC Codes


Early Warning: Hospital Billing Errors Portend Bleakness

Hospitals across the nation are seeing lower profits, and it’s all because of a sudden tsunami of Medicare and Medicaid provider audits. Whether it be by Recovery Audit Contractor (RACs), Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs), Unified Program Integrity Contractors (UPICs), or otherwise, hospital audits are rampant. Billing errors, especially “supposed bundling,” are causing a high rate […]
Automating Revenue Cycle Management Improves Patient Experience

Eight Things You Should Do Now To Clean Up Your Outpatient Billing

Tips for improving outpatient billing, coding and CDI. In moving from inpatient clinical documentation improvement (CDI) to outpatient CDI, I have been discovering some unique educational pointers. I know we are all very busy, so let’s just dive right into it. Doctors and coders, you should not have diagnoses that are mutually exclusive to one […]