Tag: healthcare information technology

Benefits of Advanced Healthcare Technology

Benefits of Advanced Healthcare Technology for Providers & Payers

Collaboration among a diverse team that blends clinical expertise and technical proficiency is essential in today’s dynamic healthcare environment to overcome administrative and diagnostic challenges. This multidisciplinary approach facilitates the creation of healthcare technology solutions that benefit all stakeholders, including payers, providers, and patients. By adopting a more personalized approach, treatment outcomes can be optimized […]
Healthcare Information Technology

What are the Features of Healthcare Information Technology?

Healthcare information technology is the approach of information technology to healthcare; it refers to the electronics systems that healthcare professionals utilize to store, share, and analyze the health information. The adoption of health information technology has shown to improve the quality and effectiveness of healthcare, and it promotes individual and public health while bettering the […]
ICD-10 Codes for COVID-19 Symptoms

Do ICD-10 Codes Accurately Reflect COVID-19 Symptoms?

Although the integration of big data into health care has been increasing in recent years, the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has brought this practice to the forefront, as many hospitals and care facilities struggle to keep accurate and timely records of COVID-19 cases while adhering to changing procedures implemented at the federal level. “The use of […]
Professional Fee Revenue Cycle for Better ED Bottom Lines

7 Best Practices to Improve Professional Fee Revenue Cycle for Better ED Bottom Lines

Most healthcare organizations partner with physician services groups for niche coverage. While outsourced medical services are available across all specialties, common areas for external physician support include anesthesia, radiology, wound care, and emergency medicine. However, when outsourced physician services are used, challenges to ensure accurate reimbursement for both components of care—the hospital portion and the […]
Optimizing Revenue Cycle Management

Optimizing Revenue Cycle Management For 2020

With patients seeing higher medical bills than ever and healthcare costs continuing to rise, healthcare organizations need to stay on top of the revenue cycle to ensure they can capture payments and be prepared for changes in 2020. Speaking at the annual meeting of the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) in Chicago, Cassi Birnbaum, […]
Clinical Denials Prevention Is The Best Medicine

Clinical Denials: Prevention Is The Best Medicine

Clinical denials are a fact of life for hospitals. Providers must contend with a number of government audits conducted by several different organizations. On the private payer side, hospitals must comply with complex approval processes related to prior authorizations, admission status and medical necessity. At Becker’s Hospital Review’s 10th Annual Meeting in Chicago, R1 RCM hosted a […]
Robotic Process Automation

Take Your Revenue Cycle To The Next Level With Robotic Process Automation

To remain fiscally viable, hospitals and health systems must ensure reimbursement is collected properly and in a timely fashion. Healthcare’s “perfect storm” — the ever-increasing cost of care paired with the complexity of technology and rising expenses — has intensified this pressure, according to David Millen, vice president of information technology and digital transformation at […]
Tips to Secure Your Organization Against Ransomware

Latest Tips to Secure Your Organization Against Ransomware

Data security is now one of the top aspects of healthcare technology. It can make or break patient satisfaction and institutional reputation. Healthcare providers have a professional obligation not only to care for their patients’ health but also to protect their patients’ data. Cyber crime is on the rise against the sector because healthcare providers […]
3 Key Strategies to Increase Healthcare Revenue Cycle Efficiency

3 Key Strategies to Increase Healthcare Revenue Cycle Efficiency

As providers engage in complex payment models and collect more from patients, they must learn to automate key functions to improve healthcare revenue efficiency. The healthcare revenue cycle has many moving parts. From patient access and registration to medical billing and coding, provider organizations of all sizes must achieve revenue cycle efficiency to ensure providers […]
Preparing Providers For Value-Based Care

Preparing Providers For Value-Based Care, Consumerism In Healthcare

Technology can transform data into actionable insights for providers needing to meet the demands of value-based care and consumerism in healthcare. Transforming raw data into actionable information is crucial to the financial future of provider organizations, especially as pressure builds on providers to align their care delivery approach with value-based care and consumerism in healthcare. […]