Tag: Healthcare Payments


Major insurers running billions of dollars behind on payments to hospitals and doctors

Anthem Blue Cross, the country’s second-biggest health insurance company, is behind on billions of dollars in payments owed to hospitals and doctors because of onerous new reimbursement rules, computer problems and mishandled claims, say hospital officials in multiple states. Anthem, like other big insurers, is using the COVID-19 crisis as cover to institute “egregious” policies […]
Healthcare Spending Shifts to Uninsured, Prescription Drugs

High Healthcare Spending Shifts to Uninsured, Prescription Drugs

In nearly two decades, the overall concentration of healthcare spending has remained steady, but there has been an increase in the concentration of prescription drug spending, according to a study in JAMA Network Open. To find the concentration curves of cumulative percentage of healthcare spending versus percentage of ranked population, researchers analyzed data sets from […]

The Changing Landscape of Healthcare B2B Payment Transactions

Healthcare B2B payment transactions have been high in 2021, potentially signaling the importance of electronic payment transfers as the nation emerges from the coronavirus pandemic, according to a report from National Automated Clearing House Association (NACHA). Nacha oversees the ACH Network, a national payment system. B2B payments made through this network in the healthcare industry […]

Medical Coding News – August 2021

  What are the latest code changes? Get the facts, fast. This month, there’s new billing guidance for a COVID-19 vaccine; there are three new HCPCS Level II codes for COVID-19 therapeutic injections; and Medicare payment allowances for the 2021-22 influenza vaccine codes have been released. FDA Approves COVID-19 Vaccine Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine received the […]