Tag: Healthcare Technology


Healthcare Leaders Identify top digital transformation priorities for healthcare

  A new Lumeon survey lists improving patient access, team coordination, and improving care quality as top wishes, but inadequate budgets, data silos, and inflexible EHRs remain as barriers. While the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted how huge a role technology can play in making the care process more efficient and convenient, simply revving up patient engagement […]
Provider Burden-Free Ways

Three Keys to Ease Provider Tension

Being a physician comes with certain baseline stressors. For most, the culprits are pretty familiar: patient care responsibilities, high debt loads that compel long working hours, system complexities, and mounting administrative chores. COVID-19 has added yet another layer to the burdens that already contribute to physician burnout. As an emergency physician, walking into work every […]
Telehealth Security

Best Practices to Ensure Telehealth Security and Protect Patient Data

  To support the sudden increase in test results and medical records being transmitted during the pandemic, hospitals, laboratories, and pharmacies implemented additional devices and remote connections into their networks. After the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) lifted penalties around telehealth to expand care options amid the crisis, new platforms were adopted that were not previously allowed […]
Clinical Documentation Improvement Vendors

Clinical Documentation Improvement Vendors Gaining Momentum

The clinical documentation improvement (CDI) vendor landscape has undergone significant changes over the last couple of years, including vendor acquisitions and technology developments. And these changes and other factors have had an impact on customer experience, according to a recent KLAS report. For example, vendors like Iodine, Optum, and 3M have gained momentum over the past […]
Advanced Technology for Reimbursement

Advanced Technology Will Help Drive Reimbursement Change

Telehealth, remote monitoring will boost patient outcomes and value-based care results Limited by the slow pace of change in traditional reimbursement models, shifts in the paradigm for patient care have also lagged far behind the possibilities created by transformative technology. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed that, catalyzing improvements in reimbursement by both commercial and government […]
Medical Billing & Coding opportunities

Top Challenges, Opportunities of Medical Coding and Billing

By April of last year, seemingly every news station in American was featuring the heroic efforts of physicians, nurses, and other clinicians fighting COVID-19. These providers transformed healthcare, implementing telehealth and virtual care, standing up new wards in hotels, sports arenas, and schools, and finding new ways to stretch precious supplies. But behind those transformations […]
Health System for COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution

4 Ways Health Systems are Approaching COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution

As hospitals and health systems continue the battle against COVID-19, shipments of vaccine are arriving to protect the highest-risk employees. As more doses become available in the weeks ahead, initiatives will ramp up in an effort to deploy the vaccine to millions of Americans. HealthLeaders has been talking to health system representatives about their deployment […]
Telemedicine Risk Management

Managing Telemedicine Risks During the COVID-19 Pandemic

As more US patients are diagnosed with COVID-19, a number of industry associations have recognized telemedicine—the practice of using technology to deliver healthcare remotely—as a viable means to give patients access to care and minimize exposure to the disease. Adoption of virtual care has increased as the pandemic has significantly imperiled the country and the […]