Tag: Healthcare Technology

New ICD-10 Codes will help Physicians Tackle Social Barriers to Care

A new collaboration between the AMA and UnitedHealthcare will work to address the social and environmental factors that affect patients’ health by standardizing data collection on their social determinants of health (SDOH) to help address individuals’ unique needs that often go unmet. The two organizations are supporting the creation of 23 new ICD-10 codes related […]
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Blockchain in Healthcare

How Blockchain Can Solve Healthcare’s Data Reconciliation Problem

The U.S. healthcare industry has a $1 trillion opportunity to cut costs and reduce waste, according to a 2015 Harvard Business Review analysis. While there are various areas waste accumulates, costly data reconciliation is a prominent problem for hospitals and health systems. Change Healthcare defines data reconciliation as “the process of compiling information across companies […]
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Latest Tips to Secure Your Organization Against Ransomware

Data security is now one of the top aspects of healthcare technology. It can make or break patient satisfaction and institutional reputation. Healthcare providers have a professional obligation not only to care for their patients’ health but also to protect their patients’ data. Cyber crime is on the rise against the sector because healthcare providers […]
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Patient Satisfaction, Medical Billing, Healthcare business model, Healthcare Providers, Patient Payment, Healthcare, Consumerism, Health Plans, Digital Healthcare, Patient Collections, Healthcare Technology, Machine Learning, Healthcare Automation, Medical Practice, Consumer Engagement.

How to Drive Patient Satisfaction and Financial Results with a Modern Medical Billing Process

Most industries embrace the motto “the customer is king.” They are acutely aware their success is driven by it. While the complexity of the healthcare business model has made it challenging for provider organizations to adopt such an ethos, the recent rise of consumerism in the industry necessitates that providers prioritize the patient experience if […]
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Why Hospitals Without Robust Revenue Cycle Support are Losing Millions?

A frequent knock on electronic health records (EHRs) has been that they’re just glorified billing systems that fail to provide enough clinical functionality to make a significant difference in the quality of care. So it’s somewhat incongruous that a recent Black Book report on revenue cycle management (RCM) system adoption would say that 26 percent of hospitals don’t have an effective […]
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Trends That Will Dominate Healthcare in 2019

Technology perimeters every dimension of healthcare. It offers extraordinary benefits to patients and medical practitioners. The wise use of technology in healthcare can promise patient satisfaction and cost savings, which contributes to the future of any healthcare organization. Below are the latest technological innovations that have a huge impact on the medical process and enhancing […]
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