Tag: Healthcare Transformation

Financial impact of VBC

Navigating the Financial Impact of Value-Based Care (VBC)

The financial impact of VBC is profound, necessitating adjustments in how providers approach and manage their financial operations to align with this new model of care. The healthcare industry is shifting towards value-based care (VBC), a model that prioritizes high-quality care while aiming to lower costs. In contrast to the traditional fee-for-service model, value-based care […]

The Future of Healthcare: 4 Tech Trends Shaping 2024

The traditional and conservative realm of healthcare has experienced significant and swift technological upheaval in the last ten years. The surge of generative AI and Large Language Models (LLMs) has outpaced any previous innovation wave, revolutionizing the landscape. While lauded as potential remedies for numerous healthcare challenges, these innovations confront the digital health industry with […]
Cloud Based Technology Redefining Healthcare

How Cloud Technology Redefines Healthcare Future?

Amidst the challenges and setbacks faced by the healthcare industry due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a silver lining emerged. Providers swiftly turned to digital health technologies as resources became strained, leading to the widespread adoption of telehealth. As we navigate the path to recovery, the healthcare sector is undergoing a remarkable transformation through digital advancements. […]