Our healthcare system has seen an unprecedented rise in the use of telemedicine since the onset of COVID-19. Doctors are now doing between 50 to 175 times telehealth appointments than they did prior to the pandemic, according to a recent study by McKinsey. Considering how reliant we’ve become on virtual visits as a clinical tool, […]
In the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak many health care practices were forced to implement telehealth as quickly as possible, and often didn’t have enough runway to deeply consider an ideal long-term workflow. If your practices’ initial reaction was to put something in place that was good enough for now but could be phased […]
In the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak many health care practices were forced to implement telehealth as quickly as possible, and often didn’t have enough run way to deeply consider an ideal long-term workflow. If your practices’ initial reaction was to put something in place that was good enough for now but could be phased […]
In unprecedented crisis of COVID-19, the first instinct is to triage our activities, often weeding out the ones that seem to be the least important. Some of those will never surface again and just become part of the detritus left behind. Tucked into the recent CARES Act, the Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act […]