Tag: Medical Billing Services


Big surprises in the No Surprises Act

  In one of the biggest attempts by the federal government to combat surprise medical billing, Congress in late 2020 passed the No Surprises Act (NSA), which imposes a host of new transparency and coverage requirements for employer-sponsored group health plans. Many of the most significant coverage changes were required to be implemented on Jan. […]

Medical organizations continue to fight surprise-billing dispute process: 5 details

A coalition of medical organizations, including the Physicians Advocacy Institute and 16 state medical associations, filed an amicus brief supporting a legal challenge to the No Surprises Act dispute resolution process, according to a news release emailed to Becker’s. Five things to know: The groups are supporting a lawsuit filed by the American Hospital Association […]

2021 E/M Guidelines FAQ – December

  Ever since the release of the new 2021 evaluation and management (E/M) guidelines for office and other outpatient services, AAPC has been conducting numerous trainings through webinars, virtual workshops, conference sessions, online courses, and multiple articles in Healthcare Business Monthly and the Knowledge Center blog. In the May issue we started to answer your […]

The Steps You Can Take to Defend Against Exclusion of Zero-Paid Claims

Zero-paid claims are defined as any claims submitted by healthcare providers that are not paid. The problem is that when performing statistical extrapolations, auditors (ZPICs, or Zone Program Integrity Contractors, and others) routinely screen out zero-paid items when they extract the claims from a sample. This is a violation of at least 12 parts of […]

Early Warning: Hospital Billing Errors Portend Bleakness

Hospitals across the nation are seeing lower profits, and it’s all because of a sudden tsunami of Medicare and Medicaid provider audits. Whether it be by Recovery Audit Contractor (RACs), Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs), Unified Program Integrity Contractors (UPICs), or otherwise, hospital audits are rampant. Billing errors, especially “supposed bundling,” are causing a high rate […]

Health Systems Set Sights on Risk-Based Payment in Medicare Advantage

Over half of health systems also said they plan to advance risk-based payments or some form of capitation in commercial lines of business. The executive survey conducted by the Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA) for the Guidehouse Center for Health Insights found that nearly 60 precent of health systems are looking to advance into risk-based […]

Improper Medicare payments down $20.7B since 2014, CMS data show

  The number of improper payments made under Medicare fee-for-service declined by $20.72 billion since 2014, according to new figures from the Biden administration. “The continued reduction in Medicare fee-for-service improper payments represents considerable progress toward the Biden-Harris Administration’s goal of protecting CMS programs’ sustainability for future generations. We intend to build on this success […]