Tag: Medical Billing Services

mgma requests updates to independent dispute resolution portal | AllZone Management Services Inc.

MGMA Requests Updates to Independent Dispute Resolution Portal

The organization recommended CMS update the independent dispute resolution portal to improve communication between disputing parties and adjust the form field requirements. The Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) has asked CMS to update the federal independent dispute resolution (IDR) portal to streamline the arbitration process for determining an out-of-network payment rate for a surprise medical […]
new guidelines for billing splitshared visits

Updates Clarify Medicare Split/Shared Billing

Know the facts for ensuring proper payment of these claims in 2022. New policy for split/shared evaluation and management (E/M) visits (including critical care services and prolonged services) was finalized in the calendar year (CY) 2022 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) final rule. Knowing the new guidelines for billing split/shared visits performed in the facility […]

Healthcare Tech Company Launches Online Price Transparency Tool

Through the online price transparency tool, users can view hospital service prices and assess machine-readable file completeness. A healthcare technology company has launched an online price transparency tool that allows consumers to compare hospital costs before seeking care. Turquoise Health’s Price Transparency Scorecard lets consumers find prices by searching for specific services or providers. The […]

Hospitals Saw Substantial Underbilling for Medicare Telestroke Services

One-third of hospitals across the country offered telestroke services, but less than 40 percent submitted Medicare telestroke claims in the year before the COVID-19 pandemic. Following the Furthering Access to Stroke Telemedicine (FAST) Act, Medicare claims for telestroke services increased in rural and urban emergency departments. However, there was still substantial underbilling from hospitals with […]