Tag: Medical Care Quality

AI Driven Medical Billing

Could AI-Driven Medical Billing be The Key to Keeping Struggling Hospitals in the Black?

The entrepreneurs behind Sift Healthcare are using predictive analytics (AI) to crack the code on unpaid medical bills, helping health facilities work smarter when managing budgets. Last month, Alabama’s Georgiana Medical Center closed its doors, making it the 13th Alabama hospital to close in eight years. Seven of the 13 shuttered hospitals served rural communities. In […]
Full MACRA Implementation Needed to Advance Value-Based Care

Full MACRA Implementation Needed to Advance Value-Based Care

Failing to execute full MACRA implementation by excluding over half of providers is impeding the transition to value-based care, the industry group told Congress. AMGA is urging Congress to enforce MACRA implementation as policymakers intended by no longer excluding providers from the Merit-Based Payment Incentive Program (MIPS). “MIPS was designed as a viable transition tool […]