Tag: medical coding practices


ICD-10 2024: A Deep Dive into the Most Significant Changes

Greetings and welcome to the latest edition of our healthcare coding newsletter! In order for us to remain abreast of the ever-evolving landscape of medical documentation, we must stay up-to-date with updates to the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10) from time to time. In this article, we will take a closer look at […]
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Medical coding practices

Telemedicine Trends and Their Impact on Medical Coding Practices

Medical coding practices’ evolve as the healthcare landscape rapidly transforms with telemedicine leading the way and the proliferation of virtual consultations. In addition to the unique challenges and opportunities presented by these changes, it is also important to remember that optimizing medical coding procedures and ensuring appropriate reimbursements are also unique challenges presented by these […]
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7 Strategies to Support Medical Coders Struggling with Quality and Accuracy

Help your medical coders facing difficulties in maintaining coding accuracy by implementing a focused strategy. Medical coders hold a crucial position in healthcare, translating intricate medical data into standardized codes essential for billing, research, and patient treatment. The importance of accurate and high-quality medical coding cannot be overstated, as errors may result in financial setbacks […]
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7 ways Coding Automation improves Reimbursement Capture

7 ways Coding Automation improves Reimbursement Capture

Ensuring accurate reimbursement is essential for every physician’s practice. Regrettably, shortages in coding staff, backlogs in charting, and shifts in guidelines frequently result in denied claims and financial loss. While various remedies have been devised, only coding automation has the potential to genuinely address this issue. Below, we’ll explore seven ways in which this AI […]
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Medical Coding Strategies to Prevent Payer Denials

As a former emergency department physician from the U.K., this individual was well aware of claim denials and rejections, with payers frequently withholding or reducing payments. However, it was only when his personal insurance company, denied his medical claim for a vitamin D test that he decided to delve deeper into the issue. He found […]
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Selecting the Principal Diagnosis Lies at the Heart of Inpatient Coding

The heart of the principal diagnosis selection is pivotal to accuracy and compliance. Since February is known as “National Heart Month,” a discussion on the heart of inpatient coding is appropriate, that being the “principal diagnosis.” When learning inpatient coding, a large amount of time is spent on understanding the guidelines, conventions, and application of […]
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