Tag: Medical Coding Updates


Medical Coding News – August 2021

  What are the latest code changes? Get the facts, fast. This month, there’s new billing guidance for a COVID-19 vaccine; there are three new HCPCS Level II codes for COVID-19 therapeutic injections; and Medicare payment allowances for the 2021-22 influenza vaccine codes have been released. FDA Approves COVID-19 Vaccine Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine received the […]

Medical/Legal Impact of 2021 E&M Changes

Without detailed documentation, providers may face an uphill battle in defending themselves from quality audits and even malpractice issues. Up until 2021, at least for the prior two decades, coders and clinicians relied upon the established Evaluation and Management (E&M) guidelines to determine which E&M code was appropriate for each specific encounter. The 1995 guidelines […]
2021 ICD-10 CM Codes

Sneak a Peek at ICD-10-CM 2021

There are a slew of changes and only a few months before you will need to start using the new codes. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released on July 1 the ICD-10-CM code descriptions, tables and index, and addendum for fiscal year 2021. There are 490 additions, 58 deletions, and 47 revisions — increasing […]

Psychiatric Facilities Could See Payments of $75 Million In 2020

CMS has released the inpatient psychiatric facility proposed rule. Approximately $75million is projected to be paid to inpatient psychiatric facilities (IPF), according to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) proposed 2020 inpatient prospective payment system (IPPS) released on April 19. IPF-PPS applies to inpatient services for psychiatric hospitals and distinct psychiatric units of […]
Mid-Year CPT Code Updates

Prepare Now for These Mid-Year CPT Code Updates

In addition to the annual release of CPT® code changes, the American Medical Association (AMA) likes to keep medical coders on their toes by releasing mid-year changes. The following Vaccine codes and Category III codes were accepted and/or revised at the September 2018 CPT Editorial Panel meeting for the 2020 CPT® production cycle. These codes are effective July […]
5 Common Remark Codes For The CO16 Denial

5 Common Remark Codes For The CO16 Denial

co16 denial code description: The CO16 denial code is used in medical billing to indicate that a claim has been denied because it lacks necessary information or contains errors. It falls under the category of “Contractual Obligation” (CO) denials, which means the responsibility falls on the provider to fix the issue and resubmit the claim. […]