Troubleshooting and insurance: These are the dual purposes of maintaining a detailed Healthcare Compliance Issue Logs, according to a senior compliance executive. Speaking at AAPC’s HEALTHCON Regional, the senior compliance executive highlighted the Office of Inspector General’s (OIG) new voluntary compliance guidance, emphasizing its importance even for organizations already familiar with the seven elements of […]
Prior authorization, the requirement for pre-approval from your insurer for certain services, is a common practice in both Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage (MA) plans. While it helps manage utilization and costs, it can also be frustrating, especially when a request is denied. A 2023 study by health policy research revealed the increasing prevalence of […]
Claim denials are a significant headache for healthcare providers, impacting revenue and administrative efficiency. While denials can stem from various issues, a large majority are rooted in documentation errors, particularly those related to demonstrating medical necessity. Defining Medical Necessity: The American Medical Association (AMA) defines medical necessity as healthcare services or products provided to a […]
Often, a seemingly routine preventive visit or minor surgery can take an unexpected turn when a patient mentions a new concern, such as “Oh, by the way…” If a physician provides additional care beyond the originally scheduled service, you may be able to bill for a separate evaluation and management (E/M) service using modifier 25. […]
Despite ongoing concerns about denials and beneficiary access to care, Medicare Advantage (MA) companies remain in the spotlight as their market penetration continues to grow. In April 2022, a report from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Inspector General (OIG) highlighted a significant issue in the capitated payment model employed […]
Quality work reduces the burden of the denial management process. When my children were young, they really enjoyed the movie “The Neverending Story.” It’s about a boy who reads a magical book that tells a story of a young warrior whose task is to stop a dark force called “The Nothing” from engulfing a mystical […]
Clinical denials are a fact of life for hospitals. Providers must contend with a number of government audits conducted by several different organizations. On the private payer side, hospitals must comply with complex approval processes related to prior authorizations, admission status and medical necessity. At Becker’s Hospital Review’s 10th Annual Meeting in Chicago, R1 RCM hosted a […]
At HIMSS19, John Rekart, chief of quality management and informatics at the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation will show how homegrown analytics enabled a 25 percent post-implementation reduction in sentinel events. New electronic health record rollouts are infamously fraught with risk. At best, a they can cause workflow disruption, confusion among clinical staff and […]
Appealing a denied insurance claim can be frustrating, but don’t give up! By following these steps and understanding the process, you can increase your chances of getting the coverage you deserve. Here’s a detailed guide: 1. Understand Why Your Claim Was Denied (and Know Your Rights) Review the Denial Letter Carefully: This document should clearly […]