Tag: Medicare Costs

3.36% Cut Threatens Medicare Physician Care Access in 2024

3.36% Cut in The Proposed 2024 Medicare Physician Pay Schedule

What’s the news: The AMA is emphatically stating that the proposed 3.36% reduction in the 2024 Medicare physician payment schedule is ill-advised, posing a threat to the accessibility of high-quality physician care for the 50 million plus elderly individuals enrolled in Medicare. The AMA President emphasized that with escalating costs associated with medical practice; another […]
Health Systems

Efficiency Key to Health System Financial Stability After COVID-19

As Eisenhower Health reopens following the peak of COVID-19, leaders are leaning on technology and strategies that improve efficiency to ensure health system financial stability during the recession. When COVID-19 really hit the Coachella Valley area of California in mid-March, volumes dropped by as much as 60 percent at Eisenhower Health. For a health system […]
AI Driven Medical Billing

Could AI-Driven Medical Billing be The Key to Keeping Struggling Hospitals in the Black?

The entrepreneurs behind Sift Healthcare are using predictive analytics (AI) to crack the code on unpaid medical bills, helping health facilities work smarter when managing budgets. Last month, Alabama’s Georgiana Medical Center closed its doors, making it the 13th Alabama hospital to close in eight years. Seven of the 13 shuttered hospitals served rural communities. In […]
What the Presidential Budget Means for Medicare

What the Presidential Budget Means for Medicare

President Trump’s fiscal year (FY) 2020 budget allows for $87.1 billion in discretionary budget authority and $1.2 trillion in mandatory funding for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Although the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) commands the lion’s share of HHS’s budget, the Trump administration has found ways to cut $395 million […]
Trends That Will Dominate Healthcare

Trends That Will Dominate Healthcare in 2019

Technology perimeters every dimension of healthcare. It offers extraordinary benefits to patients and medical practitioners. The wise use of technology in healthcare can promise patient satisfaction and cost savings, which contributes to the future of any healthcare organization. Below are the latest technological innovations that have a huge impact on the medical process and enhancing […]