Tag: Medicare for All

Hospitals to Assume Risk in Value-Based Care Models

Verma Presses Hospitals to Assume Risk in Value-Based Care Models

Hospitals assuming downside financial risk under value-based care models is the key to lowering healthcare costs and improving quality, CMS believes. CMS Administrator Seema Verma urged hospitals on Tuesday to accept new value-based care models and price transparency requirements or face greater administrative burden, less competition, and lower reimbursement rates under Medicare for All. “Our choices are […]

Healthcare Remains Primary Concern for Voters, with Strong Support For ‘Medicare-For-All’

Healthcare is a top priority for American voters and there aren’t dramatic differences by ideology, according to a new survey. Key Takeaways Thirty six percent of Americans ranked healthcare as the most important policy issue facing the nation’s future. Seventy two percent of Americans responded that they were satisfied with the healthcare they received while […]