Tag: Medicare Payments

2021 EM Coding Changes

E/M Changes Take Effect January 2021

  Good news for physicians tired of counting bullet points to assign an evaluation and management (E/M) level for an outpatient office visit: Per new AMA guidelines, it’s going to be a whole lot simpler. As of January 1, 2021, physicians will select an E/M code based on total time spent on the date of […]
BIlling for COVID-19 Care

Billing for COVID-19 Care

  In unprecedented crisis of COVID-19, the first instinct is to triage our activities, often weeding out the ones that seem to be the least important. Some of those will never surface again and just become part of the detritus left behind. Tucked into the recent CARES Act, the Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations […]
Strategies to Mitigate Shrinking Reimbursement in Emergency Medicine

Strategies to Mitigate Shrinking Reimbursement in Emergency Medicine

Emergency departments are under intense pressure to do more with less, and drilling down into clinical and operational data can provide opportunities to offset decreasing revenues Many emergency providers are starting to find themselves caught within a perfect storm, with pressure from reduced reimbursements building steadily across all payer types. Medicare payments for emergency care have effectively […]
EM coding changes

E/M coding changes

A “bold proposal” to reduce the documentation burden on physicians was released as part of CMS’s 2019 proposed Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (PFS). This seemed to have begun as an effort to listen to stakeholders and address the problems of out-of-date guidelines, cloning, EHR misuse, and problems that have evolved since the inception of the […]
Physician Fee Schedule and EM

Getting Paid In 2019

Navigating the reimbursement landscape can be confusing for physicians because of the number of entities that exert influence on payments. For example, CMS uses the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) to adjust Medicare payments, and sometimes these changes can have dramatic effects on doctor pay. Coding changes reward some types of care while de-emphasizing others […]