Tag: Modifier 52.

When to Use Modifiers 52, 73, 74

Demystifying Facility Coding

Modifiers 52: Professional fee-for-service guidelines for modifiers do not apply in the clinical setting. Reduced, Failed, Aborted, Aborted… which one? What are the requirements for using modifiers 52, 73 and 74? These questions are common in the coding center world, and  the answers  never seem to be clear. Confusingly mix up the medical code instructions […]
CPT Modifiers 52 and 53 vs. 73 and 74

CPT Modifiers 52 and 53 vs. 73 and 74

Modifier 74 description: Modifier 74 is used in the medical billing and coding field to indicate that a surgical procedure performed in an outpatient setting was terminated due to extenuating circumstances. When this modifier is applied to a billing code, it signifies that the procedure was initiated but discontinued before completion due to reasons beyond […]