Tag: procedural coding

Wound Repair Coding

Mastering Wound Repair Coding: A Guide to CPT Codes

Accurate coding of dermatological procedures requires a deep understanding of skin anatomy and the ability to extract key details from clinical documentation. Over the past two months, we’ve covered Wound repair coding guidelines for skin tag removal, shaving, and lesion excision. Now, in this final installment, we focus on wound repair (closure) procedures using CPT® […]
Medical COding Updates

6 Must-Know Coding Updates In 2020

  Becker’s ASC Review compiled a timeline of significant medical coding updates that have been proposed or implemented so far this year: January CMS began paying for certain angioplasty and stenting procedures in ASCs on Jan. 1, under its 2020 Medicare Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System and ASC Payment System Final Rule. Here are the Current Procedural Terminology […]
Top 13 Reasons For Claim Denials

Top 13 Reasons For Claim Denials

Denied claims are one of physicians’ chief complaints when it comes to dealing with payers. To a certain extent, every practice deals with claim denials. It’s those practices that eliminate the most common reasons that experience a smoother revenue cycle and find greater financial success. Here are the 13 most common reasons for why claims […]